Friday, February 24, 2006

After Death? (2003-01-10)

We were walking alongside a pond that day. It was perfect.. chirping of birds.. swishing of trees.. crunching of leaves under our shoes... there seemed to b so much noise around and yet it felt so peaceful... occasionally v would hear the plunk of a drop into the pond which set up ripples that spread rite thru the whole surface until it very smoothly blended into the tranquil.

Thats ven she looked at me n asked... do u believe in Life after Death?? This was just too perfect a situation for me 2 get into a scientific arguement. Nevertheless... wot I believed is wot I believed.. So I said.. Offcourse Not!! I was quite rethoric and I surely did not want 2 continue the conversation on those lines.. But as she always does.... she continued..

she said.. Ill tell u a story... There were these bugs that used 2 live inside of a pond.. years passed and they became the very best of friends.. soon as they aged they heard strange stories of their fellow bugs who climed upon a leaf onto the surface and just dissappeared. Inquisitive as they ver, they tried 2 get onto the leaf... but cud never survive that long enuf outside the water 2 know what happened 2 D others. So they made a promise 2 1 another.. If ever any1 of them was able 2 get onto that leaf and dissappeared... they wud surely come back 2 tell D others bout their story..

1 day 1 of the bugs felt confident enuf dat he cud do it.. So he crept onto the leaf and waited... as he waited he felt strange and within hours... wings spurted out his back and he became this magnificent dragonfly... he could now fly 2 parts of the pond ver he had never been before... Soon he remembered his promise 2 his friends and tried 2 get into the water again 2 let them know how beautiful he has become now... But as much as he tried he only realized that he could no longer go into the water.. After tryin for sum time he thought... I hav kept my part of the promise.. I guess the others wud find out ven the same thing happens 2 them too... Besides, they wud not recognise me in this new form of mine.

I said... Nice story.. But I hav never seen a "Dragon Fly" try to jump into the water... I mean..wot a stupid Dragon Fly it wud b who wud try 2 get into the water?

Thats ven she pointed at a dragon fly hovering about the pond... it was actually doing the very stupid thing I was talking about.. It was trying 2 dive into the water n get into the pond!! And after sum time it dissappeared into the trees.

She looked at me again n said... Cud it not b that v r not yet ready 2 kno wot happens 2 us after death?? And that no 1 comes back coz v mite not recognise their new forms??

I thought bout all those scary Ghost stories Ive heard.. n said... Mayb..
:: posted by RagsInRags, 8:21 PM | link | 3 comments |

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Understanding "Understanding" (2002-12-13)

Is it really true that the best relation shared is ven both parties understand each other completely?... Not that I argue its authenticity, but I sumtimes feel that not understanding mite just be that missing element which many people crave for... Lemme Xplain..

Assume the ideal scenario... Both ppl understanding each other completely... And lets just say that in this fictitous couple, the guy is a chain smoker... Now, the girl "Hates" ppl who smoke (I dont wanna go into the details of y then in D first place she landed up vit him..... so lets just play along for now). He understands her completely... So he knows very well that she hates smoking... So the obvious Mode of Action (MOA) wud b for him to quit.... But wait a minute... She understands him tooo... So the other obvious MOA wud b for her to compromise n allow him to smoke coz she kno's that it is a temptation he cannot resist!! So who is then to make the compromise here??

I guess the example taken wud obviously evoke a response saying.... Hey the guy is the 1 who shud quit smoking... firstly coz tis bad... and secondly coz he kno's his partner does not like it!!

OK... I agree vit u all coz in this case the right n D wrong is quite clearly defined.... But now take another example.. Lets just say dat D girl is a very independant type n even the guy is very independant... (U think they'll get along very well huh??).. Well, now the girl has her own set of friends she spends time with n the guy has his own set of friends he spends time with... D girl wud luv to spend her weekends at home with him (n D children if tey exist)... But since tis D only day he get gets off work, he'd like to hang out in sum pub vit his buddies... On the other hand, the guy wud like 2 spend his evenings after a hard days work at home with her, but since that is the only time she can make to meet up her friends, she is out visiting the latest dress outlet vit tem!!

Now... Who shud make the compromise??? If both understand each other well then they vil end up understanding each other all their life n all I can say is "God Save their Relation".

U c, the point here is that sumver, implicitly, ppl start believing that "Understanding" is "Compromising". U wud rather that at some point in time they sit down n chalk out a plan as to how tey r gonna make things wrk!! But frankly, tey wud then be saying "I understand that this is wot u want but... Im sorry, its too much to ask for". That actually defies the whole principle of understanding coz if u DO Understand, there is nothing like "too much" or "too less".

Then in conclusion, every 1ce in a while, ppl wud hav 2 say "I refuse to Understand y u r doing this!". And that is wot brings me to think.... Is it "understanding" that makes a relation last... Or is it "Compromise"??

I personally belive it is compromise. Take any of our old Indian marriages - the oppressed woman scenario. The marriage lasted just as long as the woman was ready 2 giv up to the mans tantrums. U really dont need 2 understand a person 2 have a relation last vit him (if u r ready 2 make all the compromises ie)... Then y is it important to understand??? The answer is quite simple n yet ppl dont get it... The only way u might even start respecting the other person is ven u try 2 start understanding the person!!

So do u need to understand a person to be able 2 have a relation with him??? NO...
But is it necessary to understand a person 2 have a relation with him?? If u wish to have a healthy, symbiotic relation... Yes... Otherwise.... who cares??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:49 PM | link | 2 comments |

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Do U Have a Hobby? (2002-11-29)

I wonder how many of us really know the meaning of "Having a Hobby"....Hmmm.. ul might think tis not as bad as I might b portrayin it, but D fact is tat lesser ppl kno Xactly wot a hobby is than u think.

Durin a conversation I was havin vit 1 person out here, there was a very interesting point that was put forward by her. She said....if u ask a person wot his/her hobby is n they reply vit sumthin like "Reading" or "Listning to Music" u must conclude that they actually dont hav a hobby at all!! And D reason she gave was pretty conclusive. So that is wot set me thinking about wot actually makes a person having a Hobby different from a person who "believes" he has a hobby.

Startling at first, D most probable contender to become ur "very own" hobby is D thing u might find urself doing in ur spare time!! And though the equation goes the other way round (ie. u usually hav a hobby n ten decide to persue it during ur spare time), people just dont get the concept into their heads.

I remember an interaction I had 1ce vit a person during my Sweden assignment which had actually turned out quite bitter. He said tat his hobby was "Dancing". I was quite surprised and did view him vit a lil awe at first until I asked him...So wot kind of dances interests you D most...He had this blank look on his face...So I re-iterated, do u prefer Waltz, Latin, Jive, Disco, or is there any specific style that interests you? And he very wittingly said..."Dance is does not matter." Albeit I could have taken it as a sentence from a person who knew very deeply about his subject, I knew better. So I just digged in a lil deeper only to find out that his idea of dancing was to put on music (any kind that made some rhythmic sense) and move is hands n legs to it...And that was his hobby!!

Though I do respect his opinion, the fact is that a hobby is something surely more than wot u just like to do. It must be something that interests you (Or sumthin that u cultivate your interest in). If u say u like to read...dont say u read gossip magazines or any novel that falls into ur hands. Tell me that u like the works of shakespere, u like philosophy, u like fiction, Or u like scientific literature n Ill buy it. If u say u like listening to music, dont tell me u like "slow romantic numbers". Take D pains to find out the style of music u like. Try listening 2 other stuff n compare their styles. Nevertheless, u vil still end up saying u like "Slow romatic Numbers", but D difference would be that u will know it belongs to the "Pop/Ballade" class of music. Take D pains to educate urselves on ur hobby coz no1 else is going to do tat. It is "Your" Hobby, remember???

D Idea is to do something constructive with your hobby and not use it as ur favorite time-pass tool. Yes, I agree tat you wud luv 2 take a hobby tat relaxes ur stress out...n if u gotta do so much for a hobby u mite as well not have 1. There is nothing I like better that 2 play my favorite tune on my keybord ven Im alone....But u must realize that I would not have hit upon that favorite tune without experimenting with lots of others first!

So to spell it out, first find out something that might interest you. Then delve deeper into the vastness of it. Most probably if u get into this phase, u vil actually kno if it interests u or it was just a fad u picked up. And 1ce u kno D vastness, narrow down on wot U "actually" like about it. If u r not willing to take evn this much pains, then the next time some1 asks u wot ur hobby is....Ud better say...."I dont have any serious hobbies"
:: posted by RagsInRags, 11:26 AM | link | 6 comments |

Friday, February 17, 2006

Nostalgia - Another Paradox (2002-11-26)

By nature, humans are lazy. And it is because of this lazyness that we have progressed!

Now I hav u ppl either frowning 2 urselves n he goes again, OR I have ur attention. In either case, I actually dont need to Xplain D deeeeeeep meaning of that sentence. But I know wot that sentence Xactly means. N so D most probable outcome wud be tat if I dont Xplain, ul wud never exercise ur brains to understand it!! So Ill just go ahead n Xplain it.

If u really really need to understand this sentence, all u need 2 do is to look around...think bout ur house, think about ur life n D things that u use in it. D answer wud stand rite out in front of ur face. N if u feel that u r still getting nowhere vit D self-exploration ten Ill just spell it out for u.

D general tendency of a human is to always be lazy. He abides the golden rule, if things can be done without work, y work to get it done?? But he is also very intelligent and so instead of applying his intelligence to something abstract, he wud rather invest his time woking out how Xactly he can reduce his work. It might be the biggest paradox of life that people work real hard to obtain D ultimate objective of not working at all!! D Ideal world would be ven a person does not need to even move to get his work done. He just needs to command appliances to do it. An example may be the voice activated lights that are a luxury today but will soon find its way to every common household!

So U c the computer ur readin this mail in?? It was invented to ease humans D burden of calculating, performing mundane monotonous tasks. U c that chair ur sitting it. Hmmmm it is quite soft on ur bottoms as compared to the floor rite?? vel that is just an invention to increase ur sitting comfort raher than sit on the floor. D phone was invented so tat people did not have 2 spend time writing letters. In fact the whole of the consumer and services market that exists today is because of just 1 reason....We r just trying to find ways to make our life easier! If only we finally decide not to be lazy anymore, the whole system might just crash and we might just as well be thrown back into primitivity!

Cheers n heres to thinking just how lazy u can get !!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:11 PM | link | 1 comments |

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Learn from the Experienced :D

To think back, Ive not had a "Bad" college life. In fact I was 1 of tose lucky guys who did nothin gr8 n yet had all D attention tat cud make NE normal guy pretty jealous bout my profile. I have as much as millions n millions of memories attached vit my college n 1ce sum1 trigers the narration process, I sumtimes surprise myself with D hours of talkin dat I can do, sumthin quite un-common for a pretty quite person like me! And every time I do dat, I hav this weird hang-over that lasts atleast 2 days after D naration which gives me this feeling of "Being There" and "Having Done Sumthin". Those days r still D best Ive had in my life n I cud do NEthin 2 get them back. And there was just 1 thing that made it all possible...n dat was a circle of gr8 ppl around me. I swear by God that ven and IF I do hav children, ter is just 1 thing that I wud luv to teach tem....D most important lesson Ive learnt all my life...D most difficult thing to understand...n yet D most beautiful of tem all....Id tell tem...

You've been in this world for wot...12 years now?
And people wud say...dont fear
They'd tell you ur problems r not as big as u think
for these r ur most tender years
They'd sound very sweet n reassuring at first,
And sumtimes they'd understand too
And All they'd ask is 2 study my dear
For thats wot is best for u

U'd listen 2 tem n sit in ur class
n b sincere all thru D way
But deep inside u'd find urself restless
2 come back home everyday
And ven u come back ud endlessly chatter
2 me or mayb ur mom
Ud keep us awake late into d nite
And sumtimes evn until dawn

Ven Im tellin u this dont get me wrong
Id luv 2 b ur friend
But as much as U'd want that this should last
Im sure that this is gonna end
It wud start vit things so trivial n small
Some things ud never wish to share
At first because tey r silly to you
But later coz u dont dare!

There'd first be a few n then more than u think
U'd hav tons of secrets in hand
And now even if u wish ud not tell tem 2 us
for its simple, we wont understand
So buckle up my child for time's running out
this is surely no time to rest
u've got a problem, a real big problem
the biggest in ur life at best

Search thru ur class, ur school, ur town
Search thru D world, for all I care
But find urself that small lil crowd
with whom ur secrets ud share
N b sure that ur sure of the choice that u've made
for these r ur best of friends
Its just too important that u pick the rite 1s
Or You'll end up alone in the end
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:32 PM | link | 3 comments |

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nostalgia - Secret to Sucess? (2002-11-15)

Act like a man, feel like a woman, and dream like a child....

This seems to be the most common definition of for a good attitude required 2 b a sucessful individual (personal as well as professional life)!!

Well dont shoot D messenger folks for Im just conveyin wot Ive read in lotsa places. But to think of it, it might just make sense if u try 2 understand the importance of each part.

Act like a man...well ter is nothin like "Act Like a Man" actually Xcept for the ppl who believe in showin off Macho stunts. But unfortunately for them, this does not refer to such acts. It referers 2 D attitude of takin a problem head on...stayin focussed...thinking laterally, and most of all...hiding ur negative sentiments like fear n doubt. Hey..Im not sayin tat girls cant do tat (I no ter r a lot of "Womens Lib" ppl out ter who hav aready pointed their bazzoka's in my direction. All Im sayin is tat D general trend is for men to b better at it).

Next, feel like a woman...Well tats quite important coz if u cant "feel right", u wud never "do rite". This goes a long way to tell u "Have a heart 1ce in a while!!". It keeps u frm D risk of gettin urself converted to a highly motivated feelingless person as against being motivated and sensitive 2 others needs n issues. U gotta b able 2 cry 1ce in a while with ur co-worker on his/her misfortune. Or u wud just find urself so dettached frm reality after a few years tat u wud not remain "Human"!!

And D third, I wud claim as D most important of all is 2 dream like a child...Only children can dettach themselves frm reality and come up vit D most bizzare dreams...for them it is a lot of imagination at work and many a times this is the same very imagination tat triggers out new ideas n inventions!!

So for ppl who mite claim tat men r more sucessful tan women AND for women who claim tat women have more sucess potential tan men...I wud advice to think twice...Being sucessful is just trying to strike a right balance and get D best out of everything...n almost all sucessful people wud indeed have mastered to "Act like a man, feel like a woman, and dream like a child", be it a man or a woman!!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:29 PM | link | 1 comments |

Monday, February 13, 2006

Nostalgia - Valentines (2003-02-13)

Hurry up I said... We r gettin late!! We ver goin out for a movie dat evening n v ver already runnig late (thanks 2 her long hours of dressing). But she did not seem 2 move any faster... instead she looked at me n asked... ven was D last time u smelt a rose??

I stood ter perplexed.. Frankly, I cud not remember.. but hey... wot has dat gotta do vit hurryin up.. So I snapped back.. If u hurry up, v might pick up sum flowers on D way n ten I can smell tem... Happy?? But hurry up!!!

She was onto her last phase of dressing..I cud tell by the final touches she was into in front of D mirror... But wot I thought was a "Cheeky Comment" frm my side seemed 2 upset her quite a lot. She just plonked onto the bed n sat ter watchin D way I was hurryin up vit wearin my shoes.. Ten after taking a deep breath she said..

I kept wandering in search of life until I found that the time I spent searching was indeed my life!!

I stopped doin wot I was doin... I knew dat tone.. a tone of deep reflection... a tone of deep anguish ... Ok... I knew I had 2 call it a time-out.. So I walked upto her n sat rite nxt 2 her on D bed.. ten takin her hand in mine I said.. Wots wrong?? V almost hav the perfect romantic evening planned out.. wot r u cribbing about now??

She said... yeah.. ur rite.. First v watch a movie... after D movie is over, v go out for dinner... after dat v go for a drive.. n ten... U did not tell me wot we'd do after v finish D drive?? do v come back home n sleep?? or do v talk about ur wrk n office?

She was being sarcastic I cud say. But I did not kno y... So I re-iterated stressing on every word... Wot... is... ur... problem?

She said.. Y did u get us tickets for the movie??
"So that V cud spend sum time 2gether"
"Oh.. and the reservation for dinner??"
"Cmon.. ters nothing better tan a nice dinner after a movie!!"
"Ok.. agreed.. ten y r v goin for a drive??"
"Coz dat seems perfect after a nice dinner Damn it!!"

I was gettin a lil irritated vit her "Attitude". After all I was tryin 2 co-operate out here. I did not know y she was makin all dat fuss!!

Ten she said.. And how much time do u think u vil b spending vit me this evening??

Now Wot kind of a stupid question was dat supposed 2 be? But she did not give me time 2 think...

she said.. All thru the evening all u hav been bothered about is gettin late for D movie.. All thru D way.. u r gonna b busy honkin n shouting at other cars on the road.. 1ce in D movies.. u r not gonna talk vit me.. u r gonna watch D movie (she was rite actually.. it was not allowed 2 chit-chat in the theaters!!).. ten u wud hurry us up 2 D restaurant coz u wud miss ur reservation slot otherwise.. n finally ven v go for drivin.. u wud want 2 hurry home coz u wanna sleep n get up again 2morrow 2 go 2 office!! How much time r u really spending vit me???

I did not hav an answer.. Actually it was 1 of those questions best left un-answered..

And then she repeated.. I kept wandering in search of life until I found that the time I spent searching was indeed my life!!

I knew wot she was gettin at.. n she was rite.. We often get so busy trying to live our life perfectly dat V actually miss out on living our life in D first place!! Besides she Was my life!!!

So I smiled n said... Ok.. how bout preparing sum nice dinner 2gether n spending sum quality time watching TV??

And dats how we spent our valentines day...
:: posted by RagsInRags, 10:40 AM | link | 3 comments |

Friday, February 10, 2006

Nostalgia - Reinventing the wheel (2002-10-29)

Time is sumthin tat has always delluded mankind..D more u think uve understood, d more interesting it gets.

Well, dunno bout ul..but Ive always been interested in the theory of relativity n Quantum Physics that at best, attempts to understand the fourth dimension. Dunno if ul already kno but ven u come into D realm Quantum Physics (deal vit sizes of D magnitude of of sub-nuclear particles) u always talk of a four dimensional space. Conventionally a 3-coordinate system (xyz) is enuf 2 define a position of any object. But ven u talk of sub-atomic particles, the Wave-Particle nature of matter becomes increasingly evident to be ignored. So they say that there is a randomness in the absolute position of a particle and the particle can exist anywhere within a "Delta" space around the particle. Well, thats ven the fourth coordinate, time plays an important role. For such particles u have 2 re-define existence with four coordinates (xyzt) and this given instant "t", the particle exists at coordinates (xyz).

Relativity on the other hand talkes of time itself. It states that "time" is a relative perception of motion. At its basis, it proves that time is nothing but a way 2 quantize the infinite possibilities. U wud appreciate its significance if u understood how I used it 2 reduce the "Infinite posibilities of a particle's position" in the above 2 just 1 possibility by adding the dimension of time to it.

My attempt 2 consolidate the full Quantum Physics and Relativity into just 2 paragraphs is surely an act of foolishness, and Im quite sure tat Ive dun no justice 2 xplain the theories out in any way. For now suffice it 2 kno tat all Gurus of Relativity and Quantum Physics wud simply explain this theory in a single sentence as "The theory of Infinite possibilities". And if u just read on....u mite understand wot Im trying 2 say.

maharsayah sapta purve
catvaro manavas tatha
mad-bhava manasa jata
yesham loka imah prajah

This is a verse out of the Bhagwad Gita (10th Chapter Verse 6 for ppl interested). And u mite just hav ur eyes widen ven I giv u D interpretation of this verse. Im in no way a religious guy n surely do not know the holy scripts by-heart. So Ive taken the text below from the site (again for those interested). And I have added my comments in between.

The Lord is giving a genealogical synopsis of the universal population. Brahma is the original creature born out of the energy of the Supreme Lord (a subtle reference 2 the E=mc2), who is known as Hiranyagarbha. And from Brahma all the seven great sages, and before them four other great sages, named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, and the Manus, are manifested. All these twenty-five great sages are known as the patriarchs of the living entities all over the universe. There are innumerable universes and innumerable planets within each universe, and each planet is full of population of different varieties. All of them are born of these twenty-five patriarchs (There is a talk of the basic entities that constitute every matter in this universe. In Mordern Theory, there are only a certain fixed set of basic building blocks from which everything else can be created). Brahma underwent penance for one thousand years of the demigods before he realized by the grace of Krishna how to create. Then from Brahma came Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, then Rudra, and then the seven sages, and in this way all the brahmanas and kshatriyas are born out of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Brahma is known as Pitamaha, the grandfather, and Krishna is known as Prapitamaha, the father of the grandfather. That is stated in the Eleventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita (11.39).

Well, the highlight of this verse is when the there is a talk of "inumerable universes" (Xactly the theory of parallel Dimensions in the realm of relativity). Elsewhere in the Gita there is a talk of "pseudo time" and "Real Time" where though criptic, there is an explaination of the basis of the most profound theory of physics today...n that is the theory of infinite possibilities...And most of all...there is a talk of the birth of the universe from just "Pure Energy"...the basis of the mordern "BigBang" theory of the universe..

Well amigos!! this just sets me to think...R V by any chance trying to re-invent the wheel??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:59 PM | link | 1 comments |

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nostalgia - M Drunk 2Nite (2002-10-28)

Im sorry darln, Im drunk 2nite. Im so drunk tat my senses hav numbed out. I can barely feel my body...My hands seem so heavy and my head is reeling round n round.... If I close my eyes I get bubbles in my stomach like Im sittin on a roller-coaster ride. I can barely keep my head straight on my neck. And yet I see u sittin there in front of me so clearly..U r so patient..

U r speaking to me...sumthin that I cannot make sense off...the words sound familiar, but I cannot comprehend wot it means..u look so beautiful...The light of the candle on this table is so innocently casting shadows of urself on ur face....I can see ur eyes glitterin every time u smile...tat smile...that very smile which made me fall in luv vit u. and I luv it ven u brush ur hands past ur hair 2 place them neatly behind ur ears...I can c ur beautiful tey look vit tose ear rings on..and how beautiful u look...ur eyes, ur lashes, ur nose, ur lips...everything.

U r holding my hand...but I cant feel a thing...U r asking me to get up. But darln...Im so drunk tat I cant stand straight...Have v paid the bill already?? U r lifting me on ur shoulder...Im tryin...Tryin real hard 2 stand straight n walk...but it feels better 2 b on ur shoulder...I can just put all my weight there n let u carry me home..besides I can smell the nape of ur neck...that perfume u wear smells so exotic...

We hav reached home...I wonder if u r tired after all this excercise...u still look so fresh...Ive fallen like a log onto the bed...Im so conscious n yet so unconscious...I can see u movin round D room gettin ready for bed...but Ive already started dreaming...I cant make out D difference between reality n dreams..I can feel my eyes have closed..n yet I can see flashes of u in front of me...And all Im thinking off right now is YOU. I can feel u removing my shoes n socks...N Im still thinking bout u.

Im sorry Darln, Im too drunk..or I wud hav told u how much I luv u...and now all I wish is tat I get up early 2morrow before u do...for I want 2 kiss u on ur forehead ven u r asleep n and actually let u kno tat u r n angel in my life...u have always been n vil always be.

Now Ive started dreaming...Im goin 2 dream all night. 2morrow is going 2 b another entirely different day. and before I get lost in this world of dreams...I just want 2 tell u....I really luv u...and if every time I get drunk, u r gonna take the same care off me...ten I guess I mite as well get drunk again n again.

Sweet Dreams Darln...
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:18 PM | link | 3 comments |

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Canon 180mm Macro

The One Dollar Bill
One Dollar Bill
Close up of the Eagle
Macro Shot of Eagle
:: posted by RagsInRags, 8:15 PM | link | 2 comments |

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nostalgia - Dreaming (2002-10-25)

It was the early hours of morning. We were walkin hand in hand...her face..fresh..bright..she was wearin a white flowy dress with lots of flowers on it...she smelt like a thousand roses and looked like an inviting garden.....And as we walked she looked at me n asked...Do u ever day-dream??

No body knows better 2 day-dream tan a piscine being...but to accept it wud have been a caprice..So I almost immediately r u crazy??...Do I look like a dreamer 2 u? All she did was smile...tat smile lasts a life time..that shallow dimple..tat lowered eye-lashes..tat lil light nod of her hair on her face sayin "u will never change" has always captured me with the same intensity as ever. And ven she does giv tat smile...I just kno tat Im in for deep trouble for I just put my foot into a spot frm ver I vil not b able 2 survive un-tarnished.

She looked up at me straight into my eyes n said...U no wot relaxes me D most?? sumthin like this morning...a walk thu the gardens..think bout it...walkin on a paved way vit trees aligned on either side...u feel chill coz the air is moist and cold and yet u can feel the soft morning sun brace ur skin givin u enuf warmth so tat u dont start 2 shiver... It is so silent that other than the blowing breeze and the humming of bumble bees all u can hear is ur own breathing...every time u take a breath u feel that fresh air fill up ur lungs n every time u exale u can sense tat new life in ur soul which was just induced into u by tat very fresh air. You become conscious of ur existense..u can feel ur weight on ur legs...u can feel ur dress as it flutters past ur knees...u can close ur eyes n feel all alone n yet not alone at all.....

As she said was like her face slowly vanished frm front of me..I cud imagine her standing there...just like she described..alone..blowing breeze...fluttering dress...hands outstretched..face flying....n like tey show in movies I actually took a circular ariel shot of her...observing her from every angle while she stood ter n njoyed tat moment of loneliless..

And ten she appeared again...those very deep eyes...still looking straight into mine...She smiled again n said...So uve been dreamin again huh??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:37 PM | link | 2 comments |

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Nostalgia - Age Old Luv (2002-10-24)

Tey ver already ter ven I entered..there tey sat in tat corner...all 2 themselves..oblivious of D whole world..tey talked...coo-chee-cooed...Occasionally the girl wud go into a fit of giggles and D guy wud reward her vit a nice peck on her cheek....sumtimes her lips...Tey sat snugly...close 2 each other...tey looked so good together tat I cud not get my eyes off them!!

D guy was wearing a blue tuxedo and D girl was in the ever
guy had a typical mafia look n D girl had a serene face...content..peaceful...her smile cud giv u a sense of warmth evn in D most troubled of situations...I presume tey ver spanish...coz D lady kept sayin "Nay Por Favor Naaay..." (No Please..Noooo..) venever D guy got carried away vit his kisses...n ten D guy wud giv D most teasing smile like he knew Xactly D amount of embarrasment and Excitement D girl was goin thru.

Well, Ive seen a lot of couples here like tese...But I must say tat this couple
was different...tey mite as well b a symbol of the real "Age Old " luv...Y u
ask?? Well for 1 reason...They were way above 60 yrs of age but loved each other
like tey ver still in their teens!!

Now thats 1 hell of an "Age Old" Luv Or shud I say "Old Age" Luv??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 6:01 PM | link | 2 comments |

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Nostalgia - The essence of living (2002-10-23)

He made ALL Life equal....tats wot v hav been taught n told time n again rite thru our schooling years. Well I surely do not wish 2 get philosophical bout it this morn for I kno tat my philosophy can eat into a thousand mornings like this and yet leave a lot unsaid. But Ive oft vondered if sum1 really challenged tat thought....

Well for 1, we all know tat man is His most favorite of creations...So did He not get biased bout it evn a little bit?? think bout it...V humans r D MOST Superior of races known on this planet!!..and yet v so blindly believe that "He made All Life equal"....So does tat equality really exist??

Wot is it that gives each n every living form a right place of its own in this world?? There has 2 b sumthin Coz I personally dont believe tat sum1 holding such a prestigious cadre as "GOD" wud bias His decisions!!

And ven u think bout it...ter is 1 attribute tat exists vit every form of life without which it is impossible 2 live...No No...dont cum up vit sentiments like luv n affection n all tat...well...I dont think an Amoeba is capable of luv!! And evn if u hav not given it a serious thought till now...u vil start coz ter is just 1 thing that actually makes life tick...n tat is D element of Choice..Every being has D "Right to Choose"..An Amoeba can choose his food and the place he wants 2 go just as easily as a human can choose wot he wud like 2 eat for dinner n ver he wud like 2 dine...N this asset of choice is not restricted 2 just food....Coz every time u exercise this option...u r either making or breaking ur future...Ver u choose to go 2day decides on ver u vil b tommorow...And ven u come 2 believe that this is indeed the crux of all life and the power that helps u forge ur future...think back into ur life n remember just how many times hav u actually excercised this option??? It wud b painful 2 realize tat almost 75% of ur choices ver actually made not by u.....but by D circumstances tat existed in ur life at tat time....And I dont mean makin a virtue out of ur decision...Dont tell urself tat u chose 2 do wot u did just coz u did not hav NE other choice!!...It mite hav been D only "practicle Choice" available 2 u at tat time...But if u do really understand wot Im tryin 2 tell u 2day ten u vil realize tat THERE IS NEVER a situation ver u do not hav a choice!

So be truthful 2 urself and ten if u really believe tat evn 40% of ur choices ver actually made by you n not D circumstances u ver in...ten rejoice...for u hav just learned D essence of living...
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:20 PM | link | 1 comments |

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