Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nostalgia - Dreaming (2002-10-25)

It was the early hours of morning. We were walkin hand in hand...her face..fresh..bright..she was wearin a white flowy dress with lots of flowers on it...she smelt like a thousand roses and looked like an inviting garden.....And as we walked she looked at me n asked...Do u ever day-dream??

No body knows better 2 day-dream tan a piscine being...but to accept it wud have been a caprice..So I almost immediately replied...day-dream?? r u crazy??...Do I look like a dreamer 2 u? All she did was smile...tat smile lasts a life time..that shallow dimple..tat lowered eye-lashes..tat lil light nod of her hair on her face sayin "u will never change"...it has always captured me with the same intensity as ever. And ven she does giv tat smile...I just kno tat Im in for deep trouble for I just put my foot into a spot frm ver I vil not b able 2 survive un-tarnished.

She looked up at me straight into my eyes n said...U no wot relaxes me D most?? sumthin like this morning...a walk thu the gardens..think bout it...walkin on a paved way vit trees aligned on either side...u feel chill coz the air is moist and cold and yet u can feel the soft morning sun brace ur skin givin u enuf warmth so tat u dont start 2 shiver... It is so silent that other than the blowing breeze and the humming of bumble bees all u can hear is ur own breathing...every time u take a breath u feel that fresh air fill up ur lungs n every time u exale u can sense tat new life in ur soul which was just induced into u by tat very fresh air. You become conscious of ur existense..u can feel ur weight on ur legs...u can feel ur dress as it flutters past ur knees...u can close ur eyes n feel all alone n yet not alone at all.....

As she said tat..it was like her face slowly vanished frm front of me..I cud imagine her standing there...just like she described..alone..blowing breeze...fluttering dress...hands outstretched..face smiling..hair flying....n like tey show in movies I actually took a circular ariel shot of her...observing her from every angle while she stood ter n njoyed tat moment of loneliless..

And ten she appeared again...those very deep eyes...still looking straight into mine...She smiled again n said...So uve been dreamin again huh??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:37 PM


at this rate, God help u! but then u aren't asking for help are u? ;)

slobbery mushy mess - but not bad stuff, reminds me very much of Dil To Pagal Hai tho!! :)

Anonymous Anonymous, at 08 February, 2006 17:45  
I vaguely recollect that movie.. but dont see the connection ;)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 09 February, 2006 15:24  

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