Friday, January 27, 2006

Nostalgia - A morning in Austria (2002-10-06)

Well 2day I was caught in a very embarrasing position by tis lil girl who got me really confused for sumtime...N she reminded me 2 be polite..Of all D things...A lil toddler reminding ME to b polite??

Actually after I got into the Subway Train, a lady vit 2 kids entered at D nxt halt..1 was really teeny-weeny (in its crib) n another lil girl..mayb 2-3 years old....I usually sit vit my legs outstretched if ter is no 1 sittin in front of me. So tats how I was sittin evn today. Ter was no other seat visible for D lady 2 sit, so I folded my legs for her 2 b able 2 sit comfortably. She thanked me, I smiled n tat was it.

At the nxt stop, D person besides me got up n left. I was sittin on D aisle seat n figured tat if I shifted towards D window this lil girl wud b able 2 sit. So I shifted. Again the lady smiled and I acknowledged. But here is where tis lil girl wud not giv up...

she climbed into her seat and said "Danke" (thankyou)...Well I looked at her and smiled..n vent back 2 lookin out of D window...But she was not satisfied...nxt time she said "Danke Shon" (thank you very much). I almost thought she was pulling my leg...but again smiled n vent back 2 gazing out of D window....Now D third time she goes "Daaannnkkee Shooooooonnn" so loudly tat D whole compartment cud hear her....I really did not no wot 2 do. Wot was this lil girl tryin 2 pull I was not sure...So I had a perplexed look on my face and vit a lil smile I looked at D lady. She seemed 2 b smiling 2 herself (like it happens always vit her!) and seeing that I had a big question in my eyes, started speakin sumthin in german. This put me in an even more embarrasing situation coz as soon as she finished her sentence all D ppl around me began 2 laugh...

I felt so so soooo uncomfortable...I cud hav ignored it n just laughed it out...but this was a lil too funny 2 let go. So I told her wot I normally tel everybody who speaks in german vit me.."Im sorry, I do not understand german...cud you please speak in english??"...

Oh!!..she went..actually Ive been teachin my girl a little bit of manners...and Ive told her that ven sumbody thanks her, she shud always say "Bitte Shon" (u r most welcome)...So since you did not tell her that ven she thanked you...She kept repeating it...

Now this was sumthin I was least Xpectin from a child. N it was indeed amusing...So I had 2 look at D girl n say "Bitte Shon"...

I was so embarrassed tat I just did not no wot 2 do knowin tat all tose germans round me ver talkin surely bout tis little incident and I cud not understand a wrd of wot tey said!!! But lucky for station was nxt n so I got up n said.."Well, here is where I get off" with a smile on my face...N Just bfore I left I rememebered 2 turn around 2 this lil girl n say "auf wiedersehen" (ba byee).
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:56 PM


Hey now tht's fun.Had a hearty laugh... So u did get embarrased han..
Anonymous Anonymous, at 28 January, 2006 02:13  
So this tells you to say "U R WELCOME" without fail when anyone says Thank You or Thank You Very Much .
But I must say the little girl will be a very obedient and smart person when she grows up :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 January, 2006 13:32  
Very obidient.. I agree... smart?? I dunno ;)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 30 January, 2006 15:30  
Hey ragss..i guess thts why the phrase is - Little children are wiser than men ;)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 01 February, 2006 20:27  
Guten Morgen Maddyyyyyy:D hahaha
Blogger Unknown, at 16 January, 2011 11:23  

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