Thursday, October 06, 2005

If you ver me

If you ver me, you wud kno
That work is an aweful distraction which makes me stop thinking of you
That the pangs of emptyness during lunch hours are only disguised by the smiles that errupt upon my face on every memory of the abundant comments you have on you
That the words "Pain" and "Suffering" does not even begin to describe wot I am going through ven Im not finding enuf time for you

If you ver me, you wud kno
That the order in the chaos of my life is you
That 30 secs of visiting you is much more envigourating than a cup of black coffee
That I find myself thinking about u in weird places (like rest rooms) very abnormal, and yet I love to do it

Ah! But if you ver indeed me, you wud kno
That this is just another of my pathetic attempts to get a hold of life the way I knew it some good 2 months ago
That this is one of those hundereds of "Untitled" Notpad scribblings that lived through the dreaded CRTL-A DEL and made its way out here
That the person Im talking about here my dear blog, is you
:: posted by RagsInRags, 9:27 PM


LOL! u need to find better things to miss! :D

i believe the sharpness to the urge wears off after a while. but a constant nudging does remain in the bakgrd. but then that's my op.

happy bloggin! :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 07 October, 2005 09:29  
u lonely soul, ne1 but d blog,
I pray 2 God, 2 turn this blog,
into a princess 4 this lonely bloke.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 13 October, 2005 10:46  
i completely understand:D
Blogger Unknown, at 16 January, 2011 12:15  

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