Wednesday, August 24, 2005

You'll understand, someday...

I still remember that evening... U ver so enthuziastic and full of energy. U had placed your entire trust on me and I had promised to never let go. And yet after a few hours of holding you straight as u sat balancing on your wobbly bicycle, I let go.

U went straight for a wall and crashed into the trees planted close by. My heart hurt much more than your bruised legs and elbows. And when I broke ur trust, it took me 2 hours to convince u that I will never do it again.

Yet, the next day I got u on ur bicycle and let go. I knew I was breaking a promise... I knew I was shattering ur world of trust... And I knew that u wud'nt understand. But I also believed that I had to.

Years have passed and now it takes me much more than 2 hours to earn ur trust back. And it still hurts me more everytime u bleed. What you dont understand is that I still know I am breaking a promise and I still know that I am shattering your world of trust... But I still believe that I have to.

And there is one more thing that I know... Some day, ven u grow old and u begin to teach ur son to ride a bicycle.... Ull understand.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 4:21 PM


if silent speaks a lot much
n a glace will do it all
i will smile
n i will smile
Blogger navneet, at 25 August, 2005 01:02  
you never cease to amaze, do you Rags?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 25 August, 2005 07:41  
its not only US...when at any onsite location..Rags is justa diff person.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 26 August, 2005 11:53  
Btw ..Well written Rags
Anonymous Anonymous, at 26 August, 2005 11:56  
Thanks all,

Dunno wot else to say :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 26 August, 2005 13:59  

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