Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Search for the Invincibility Sheild

I was already late today and in general was in a hurry to get to work. After performing the final check before I left home I fumbled with the keys to get my door locked. As as I paced through the passage to make it out to my parking lot I could see 2 shadows walking about on the other side of the door. One, a lil boy bout 4ft tall and another a man (his dad most probably).

Though their muffled conversation was getting louder, I could not comprehend much until I finally swung open the door to get into the parking lot.

"I looked everywhere" the boy whined stomping his foot. I heard another voice from a little girl perched on a balcony say "I did not mean to mommy. I was dancing with my hands like wings and it hit his hand." to which "Mommy" consoled saying "Im sure u did'nt honey"

"So what are we looking for again?" the man queried the boy. "Its an invinsibility shield", the boy whined again. "Grampa gave it to me last week. Without it the Gouald's will burn me alive!". "How does it look?" the father queried again. "It looks like a bottle cap!" the boy replied.

At this point I was comfortably seated in my car and had started the engine. But the description of the "Invincibility Sheild" was too interesting to allow me to speed away. So I slowly rolled down the windows and switched on the A/C to let the car cool a bit.

"A bottle cap huh?" the man affirmed... "Thats to fool the Goualds in case they catch me. They will never know it is an invincibility shield", the boy explained.

The man scouted about in the area below the balcony while the girl and the mom curiously leaned from the balcony to see if they cud spot the invincibility shield from above. Realizing that the search party is going to take some time I decided to get to office instead. So I slowly pushed my car into gear and started to roll. Involuntarily, I too was making a quick scan of the area to see if I cud spot something. And as I turned out of the parking lot into the driveway I cud still see the man prancing about in the parking lot searching for the invincibility sheild.

"There it is!!" I heard a shreik from the boy. I cud not resist myself from braking and moving reverse into the parking lot again. And as I got into view I saw the boy carefully clearing of the mud stuck on a what looked like a blue bottle cap with a wide grin on his face. "I am invincible again!!" he shouted as they walked into the appartment door.

Boy!! Am I glad the he found his invincibility shield back. It was indeed a matter of saving mankind now was'nt it?
:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:49 PM


the invicibility shield that wins over everybody, time to move to Boston!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10 August, 2005 16:21  
Worth a good smile. Nice one.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10 August, 2005 21:21  
whats a gouald?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10 August, 2005 23:31  
Thanks, :)..You write beautifully yourself..
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11 August, 2005 08:14  
Thanks Carol,

A Gouald (pronounced Goa'uld) is an alien race believed to be symboites who can completely take control of their hosts. They generally seize control of their hosts and in this manner take over the complete race of the host (refernce is from the serial Stargate).

Thanks. I have left another comment on ur site.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 12 August, 2005 12:07  

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