Thursday, July 28, 2005

Say "Yeah" to Mumbai'ites

Being brought up in Mumbai has given me this awareness that along with the romance that Mumbai Monsoon's are known to bring.. it also beings 2 or 3 spells of good flooding in the city. I used to enjoy those times especially since tey meant sitting at home sipping a hot cup of tea and getting ur hands on some hot Wada Pavs :)

But the last few days have been different and I guess the city that never stops was almost brought 2 a grinding halt due to the heavy rain spells they got in the last few days... And when I read news in praise of the Mumbai spirit, I feel proud 2 b associated 2 such a city.

I received a mail this morning from a colleague and she quotes:

if i cud i want to give a standing ovation to mumbaiites ...
specially .. shopkeepers ...milkmans...dabbawallas ... hospitals...
even the radio jockeys .. actually every single person who was a host to get someone home.. or gave a lift to people (my unexpected angel is this one ... mayb a 10 minute ride but it restored my thinking cap and strength to take yet another long walk ...)

all in all a experience we all wouldnt forget ever .....

And I say... Yeah WE ROCK!!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 10:48 PM


First things first. "Yeah" to Mumbai'ites. I have an email with some very moving photographs of the rains. Maybe I should send that to you.

Btw, nice template. Your work?
Blogger RS, at 31 July, 2005 07:50  
Thnx Reshma,

Yep tis definitely my work ;)

I guess it cud rarely get worse than this.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 31 July, 2005 19:33  
I say 'yeah' too. It is really a very sad thing to see the state of the city.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 July, 2005 20:41  

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