Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Nudge over the Edge

I was in Sweden at that time and as always we had ganged up a group of 7-8 people and visited a local amusement park, Liseberg (pronounced "Lisebery"). It was a 2-day adventure and though I was awefully sure that ppl wud resist the next day, I figured that getting them spend a day there itself was worth the deal :) So off we went that morning to blow our guts out while having fun.

Among the people there was this one very interesting person. She was from Chenai and had eating habbits similar to mine (Simple noodles and Bread Sandwiches for as long as it takes). In fact she was one notch better than me in that she even skipped meals over days coz she was lazy 2 get into the kitchen 2 take the bread out!!

NEways, coming to the point... during the first half hour we scanned the whole site and figured out the rides that could not be missed. We had targetted the Hangover (a 180 degree loop coaster), Space Shot, and the Rainbow (M not sure bout the name but it was a platform that takes you like a giant wheel only to have nice upside-down patches during the ride).

All Girls (I think there ver 3) backed down from getting into the "Real" rides. I tried my normal coaxing but figured it was no point wasting time getting them to go coz in the meantime I cud take two rides off the equipment (u kno how it is while coaxing girls rite?).

The first ride was the Rainbow and while v stood in the line, this girl happened to be standing by me. All the while she kept looking at the people in the ride n feeling the rush as they shouted their guts out from the ride. And after a while of noticing I said.. "Scared?"... she said..."Yes.. and u?"... I said..."Offcourse..." rubbing my hands together indicating that I was so scared that I was getting chills.

"Then y r u goin?" she asked.. I actually did not know... but then I thought a bit n said... "coz m scared!!"... "Wot? Y wud u go if u ver scared?" she retorted... n I said... "If I did not do things which scared me, I wud not have done a lot of things thru life.. Mayb u shud try it too".. "Try wot? getting into the ride? No way.. M not crazy!!"... To this I guestured in an all knowledgeble deep "okey" and with a sly smile added.. "the world is filled with sane ppl you kno.. like me. Besides if it scares u so much, just close ur eyes!"...

Next thing I knew, she was sitting besides me in the Rainbow... She shouted her guts our and was laughing histerically ven v got off.. Not only that... I believe she sat in almost all the rides in the park without throwing any more tantrums (except the Hangover - It really looked scary :)

And to think back, she did have a real WILD side... All she needed was some1 2 nudge her over the edge!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:57 PM


roller coasters...... WOAAHH thats life
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 July, 2005 16:37  
I have absolutely no problems with coasters
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 July, 2005 17:18  
That was like a trip down the memory lane for me ... I havent been to Liseberg with you but then the Rainbow was indeed fun ....

And talking about the Hangover... The more i saw it the more I was scared...so I can understand why she was scared too :-) ....
Blogger Shil, at 19 July, 2005 23:36  
Oh yes!! this reminds me of the coaster rides at Six flags ..closing ur eyes and just screaming does it all...
Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 July, 2005 00:39  
Dont know what fun people get sitting on rollercoster. it is so scary to even hear them shouting sometime.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 July, 2005 01:40  
U shud try getting on one to find out ;)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 20 July, 2005 15:17  
I would call running in the rain to catch a glimse of your pretty one being romantic and not an adrenalin rush. Those are pretty little moments life offers for free. A roller coaster is an adrenalin rush and one that does not come free. They are different
Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 July, 2005 19:12  

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