Wednesday, July 06, 2005

For Love and Life

Some people say... It is better to have loved and lost than not loved at all and I wonder if this is the most wortless statement I have ever heard.

Ive seen people in and out of love and I surely dont agree that it did them ANY good to experience that trauma they went through to get a hold of life again. C'mon guys!! this is not a game... its LIFE we are talking about... This is not a "Win Some-Lose Some" situation. Its a "Live Alive - Live Dead" situation.

Id rather say...Ignorance is Bliss and advise everybody to stay as far from Love as they can. Why? well eat this...

If Ive never been in Love, M a happy-go-lucky sucker who DOES NOT KNOW WHATS BEYOND. And if I ever did fall in love n lose it, Id be depressed thinking about it all my life cribbing bout wot M missing for crying out loud!! Then wots the point??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 4:19 PM


don't sweat it - u r just in denial ;-) :-D
Anonymous Anonymous, at 06 July, 2005 17:40  
Common Rags !! no-one cries over the love lost for the rest of his/her life.. Its only in movies ...
They experience a trauma but then get a hold of life again and then they are much stronger....
Like a deadly Roller coaster ride.. U could suffer as you ride it but then at the end you think "Good that I tried it once " ......
Blogger Shil, at 06 July, 2005 23:30  
I just saw your snaps from Montreal. You have finally cut your hair ... Great Job !!!!
Blogger Shil, at 06 July, 2005 23:36  
Ask a broken heart how it hurts to bleed
for its not time, but Love again that it needs

and that... is the vicious circle
Blogger RagsInRags, at 07 July, 2005 19:02  
you have cut your hair. Thats really a good news.
I must see those snaps:)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11 July, 2005 23:34  
Its easy to say but its very difficult to refrain from love.
Its not something which is done intentionally ,it just happens and then finally u realise u cant go back.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11 July, 2005 23:37  
Never said 1 can refrain from it. But it is rather painful especially ven one falls in love vit a person not mature enuf 2 understand the responsibilities that come with it. So tis rather safe 2 stay away dont u think?
Blogger RagsInRags, at 15 July, 2005 10:59  
tell me one thing rags how can u stay away from love when u dun know anyhtin about it until it happens to u....??????
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 05:42  
Well, its like most other things now aint it Komal,

U dont jump down a cliff coz u kno "bad things can happen" if u do. U dont really need to jump first to find out ;)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 August, 2005 10:27  
And some ppl dont just jump off clifs either. They just happen 2 slip and before they know it - u kno the rest :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 24 August, 2005 16:45  

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