Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Touching Lives

Ive always been interested in how interacting vit people can have a lasting impression in our lives... And sometimes, u never even realize that tey actually did have anything to do with what u are today !!

I remember a trip I had made to the Mahalakshmi Temple (Bombay) one morning. Im not that sorts who wud like 2 go to Temples, but I tagged along with ma parents... guess it was some auspicious occasion (and I wud not have been able to squirm out of it)... And as we walked thru, we stopped at one particular Ganesh Idol. I could hear the seas behind me and the low buzz of temple activities around. And then this man walked up to the Idol, offered his prayers and started to play this huge Drum kept on the side. He started slow with a steady 4/4 beat which he changed slowly into an 8/8 and finally a 16/16 count. He had this beautiful variations which he brought in as fills... and suddenly... it was THE only sound I could hear... no people.. no seas.. and no existence... just the sound of drums... suspended in infinite space... my body feeling every bit of vibration set out by his stick hitting the drum skin... and my mind aware of every sensation my body was picking up....

I was interrupted with a nudge on my shoulder frm my mom indicating that we shud leave.. and though I did cud not wait there for him to complete his piece, I cud hear his drums for quite long after that.. many times I still hear it play in the back of my mind....

And though he meant nothing to me.. we spoke off nothing... and we didnt even smile... he gave me one of the most cherished moments in my life... the day I composed my first piece of music. Now thats what I call... Touching Lives
:: posted by RagsInRags, 4:11 PM


hmm..... this is something i can really connect with.... music has a way of affecting me like nothing else can.
one of my best memories is of listening to a instrumental jugalbandi under open summer skies one nite a long time ago :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 June, 2005 18:29  
I have a weird question ..
You said that you composed your first piece of music the day you heard this guy play the drums..

Now was your first composition really your own creation or just a copy of what this guy played.

Sorry for such a stupid query .. But I just had to ask :-)
Blogger Shil, at 22 June, 2005 03:54  
Thanks Santy for putting things in perspective. The fact is that I really did not know that person.. and even if we met and spoke today, I wud never be able to tell for sure if he was the same guy!. And still, he left me with something Ill cherish all my life.

Well, He was playing the drums n so I cud not actually copy it (coz I cud not replicate the sound of the drums on my synth).. but it wud b fair 2 say that the tune must have been influenced coz it did start with the sound of the ocean and mellow drums which turned into a vibrant intro :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 June, 2005 10:57  
so u go to temple for ur music ...
Anonymous Anonymous, at 28 June, 2005 08:58  

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