Thursday, June 16, 2005

Having a Drivers License has got nothing to do with Knowing to Drive !!

And after almost 10 years of experience in driving right from the trafic infested roads of Mumbai to the Fast Track AutoBahns of Germany, This was the place it had to be the toughest !!

I have always believed that life in Europe is so much more easy and fulfilling than life in the "Country of Freedom".. and here... I have another reason to back my opinion.

Sweden: I could drive with my Indian License
Germany: By law, you need an IDP... but U can drive with your Indian License
Austria: Go right ahead... No one is stopping you from driving with an Indian License
USA: NO WAY!! We recognize only US License.

Whats more, I finally got my "US License" today after 2 attempts to getting it..

Attempt 1: Fail - U are not aware of Hand Signals - Who the heck needs them ven u have turn signals!!

Attempt 2: Fail - Ur Sponsor was not wearing a Seat Belt in the back seat - am I to walk around the vehicle n strap every1 inside down before driving??

Not once was I failed coz of something in my Driving Skills !!! And I thought Driving a vehicle was about being able to drive a vehicle!!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:03 PM


Hey Rags !! all I could imagine while reading this post was your expression when they failed you for somthing which is not about driving a car ...

Neways .. CONGRATS .. for finally getting the visa. :-)
Blogger Shil, at 16 June, 2005 23:06  
Ha Ha Ha... this is hilarious.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 17 June, 2005 10:20  
If I had been there to approve ur license..ill never give u a green
signal & go ahead..ur soo bad with driving..absolutely rash & fast..breaks at almost last minute...u don't see speedbreakers...thats a different thing that uve not met with many acidents...but still I was always on my guard when I was with u
Anonymous Anonymous, at 17 June, 2005 10:24  
Thanks a LOT Rashi n Prashila,
Apparently, people here believe that I am the most sane driver who never breaks rules !!.
Mayb my driving depends on
1. The people m driving vit
2. The obvious advantage of speeding!

It does make sense 2 go at 100Kmph ven the rest of the world r stuck at 60Kmph.. but here, every1 is at 75mph n 80mph is the max u can go vitout increasing ur chances of getting a ticket!

NEways... it is such a relief 2 kno that Im not SANE ;)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 June, 2005 11:29  

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