Friday, June 03, 2005

M Smiling 2Day

When I wake up in the mornings with dreams of you
I smile to myself, Yes I smile all through
And I start my day with that glow on my face
Like Ive been having the most wonderful of days

I get on to work with no worries on my mind
And I find myself a little extra kind
Smiling away to every passer by
with a grin on my face and a head held up high

The bustle and chores dont matter no more
Im swimming in fragrance of flowers galore
everything I see looks more beautiful to me
and every step, a dance of a bumble bee

Before I know it, the day is no more
Im ready to dream, slumber, and snore
This happens when ur in Love.. the wise men say
U smile to urself... Like Im smiling today
:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:48 PM


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