Friday, June 17, 2005

Foolish enuf 2 b a hero

A Good friend of mine quoted "and there we go again on the path submerged in solitude and introspection ... wonder when its goin to start ... the next green phase of our lives ... we sumhow still manage to find some reason to go on ... i wonder til whn the reason wil last ...".... And all I did was smile :)

The fact is that evn before v venture out doin something, v have this inane instinct that provides us with this "sneak preview" of everything that could go wrong. And yet more often than not, we choose to be foolish and go ahead !

The fact is that evn before some1 ventures out trying to save some people in a blazing apartment or pull out a person drowning in the ocean, he has this inane instinct that provides him with this "sneak preview" of everything that could wrong. And yet more often than not, he chosses to be heroic and goes ahead !!

Now... are we Heroic? or are Heroes foolish?
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:54 PM


Why should Heros be only those who risk their lives? There are lots of small things that can also make a Hero... like adopting a puppy :p
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 June, 2005 06:39  
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the knowledge that there are things more important than fear itself."

Our mind shows us everything that could go wrong, a great oppurtunity to be aware and avoid the pitfalls - but this could also instill fear. Most of us let fear dominate - those who dont, those who see the goodness of the results rather than the dangers in the act, are the heroes. The fools are the people who let fear rule.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 June, 2005 08:09  
Hmmm Rani,
Now I know wot I shud do 2 get u 2 notice me :p... Ill just adopt a puppy :)) Who ARE u NEway??

U r rite... but dont u think that the urge to ride a bike hands free is more of a "College Campus" kind of Hero... besides I do believe to have seen some really really nice girls giving a second look to such guys.. Serves their purpose :)

Santy n Anonymous,
Well said :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 20 June, 2005 16:46  

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