Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Just let it pass

When u are a kid, ur parents know everything. They know how u shud dress, how u shud run, how u shud talk... they even know wot u like n dislike... I wud say, just think of them and let it pass...

When u are in school, ur teachers know everyting. They know the syllabus, they have answers to all the questions (evn if the answer is "u r too small to underdtand"), they know if u are dumb or intelligent, they even know that u are 2 blame in the latest act of mischief... I wud say, just think of them and let it pass...

When u are in college, ur friends know everything. They know how 2 make u laugh, they know all ur crushes, they know when u get butterflies in ur stomach... they even know the correct solution to every problem u face... I wud say, just think of them and let it pass...

When u are at work, ur superiors know everything. They know ur problem, your weakness... they know ur aptitude... They even know how u shud go about doing your work... I wud say, just think of them and let it pass...

And sometimes along the way, besides ur bosses... u might find some colleagues who know everything. They are prompt to give solutions and help u make career moves. They even know that there are a lot of people who think they know everything and so you should finally forget about them and start thinking for urselves... I wud say, just think of them and let it pass...
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:53 PM


Absolutely no point.
Just let it pass :) eeeeeee
Blogger RagsInRags, at 06 July, 2005 15:44  
Sending a reply on this little late. well let it pass is ok but at the same time others who advise so much shd understand one thing n tht is Let it Go ...Don't hold on to something n get stuck up at a point that you know everything...Learn to understand that perception differs from person to person n other person's point of view may also be rite. Learn to accept what others want to say n don't get tensed when they try to do something..Just Let It Go... :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 08 July, 2005 07:24  
Well Anonymous,

The point is precisely dat!! U cannot control other ppl's perceptions. If u find tem advising u on things tat u feel u kno better, rather than goin about explaining 2 tem, just listen 2 tem n let it pass.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 10 July, 2005 14:48  
r v playin passing the parcel...chuckles....
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 05:45  

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