Tuesday, June 28, 2005

All News is Bad News !!

Ven I heard this phrase 4 D 1st time 5-6 months back, I was quite disgusted vit the outlook ppl here had 2 life. I wud hav even said a word or 2 to get my point across had it not been a person at quite a high ranking position frm the client who dared to utter them. Since then I have been evaluating this in different perspectives and now... I have reached a stage ver mayb I can stand n defend it!!

The fact is that the nature and purpose of reporting 2 some1 back in India is so different frm the nature of reporting to some1 here that we really need 2 re-look at how (and y) v report 2 ppl in the 1st place!!

I have led teams back in India and still remember that if I did not hear frm a team member about his status atleast 1ce in 2 days... I had to assume that something was wrong. Either the member had not understood his tasks properly Or he was stuck in a problem which he was vailantly tackling with no regards wotsoever to the time he was wasting doing it!! Keeping track of ppl's wrk in this way was so cumbersome (not 2 mention stressful n frustrating) that at a point I used 2 almost ask for status's every 2 hours!!

And then there ver teams I interacted with outside India... There, it was an unsaid rule that if no1 says anything, everything is assumed to be going as per plan!! I have tracked some amount of work ven outside India too n all I can say is... its a miracle how a simple rule can work wonders.

I have tried 2 use the same approach ven I returned back to India too. But it never seemed to work.. and now upon closer examination wot I find is that ven v work in India, we follow one of two basic unsaid rules:
All news is News worth spreading: These r a group of ppl who believe that everything shud b reported... no matter how trivial the issue is. U can spot such ppl sitting in frnt of managers goin on about wot tey completed, wot problems tey faced, how tey solved it,.. falana falana falana..
No news is News until my ass is on fire: These make up the vailaint fighters who wont give up until the last moment. U literlly have 2 pull some of them out of the chairs n say.. Give it up. Its not worth it.

And though we are more intelligent, more hard working, and more promising than our foreign counterparts, the only real difference is that we dont realize when something is out of our potential... we dont realize wen is a good time 2 give up... and we dont realize that sometimes giving up is really more productive 2 the project than solving every problem that comes by.

And I really wish that ppl back home understand this small concept n make working much less stressful 2 themselves n othrs :)

And I really really wish I cud apply the same rule 2 reporting back 2 ma parents :)
:: posted by RagsInRags, 8:29 PM


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