Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Comforts of Being Unknown

Funny how we are lost in ourselves in thoughts of burning desires for the one thing that will make us outshine the glories of the rest of the world.... Funny how we seek directions for actions that we believe leads us to the very essence of being human... And yet we so carelessly bleed away the harsh reality, the essence that differentiates the Living from the Living Dead, and the Passion that nurtures our Life...

The Greeks asked but one question upon the funeral of their companion... Did he live with Passion? and not many does understand the greatness of such a query. With passion comes glory... with passion comes resolution... with passion comes the fortitude to fight for wot one believes is right, the strength to stand by ones dreams, and the courage to face the consequences of ones actions head on with pride and grace...but most of all... with passion comes the peace in knowing that had you been given a second chance u cud have done nothing to make things different coz wot u put in during the first was your heart, your soul, and every ounce of your existence as you know it.

But if knowledge was the only key, we could infact make monkeys fly!! And wot did Greeks know about living NEWay?

So lets cheer the happy bunch of ourselves for being content with our dreams, for knowing that hardships bring no happiness, and for believing that living in this dark corner with unknown people in an unknown land shall help us in our ultimate purpose of life - Live unknown, Die unknown.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 4:47 PM


dark days eh....?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 14 July, 2005 21:21  
Nah.. Bright cities filled with Dark Corners for ppl like us :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 15 July, 2005 10:50  
Definitely worth it mate... worth every bit of it :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 21 July, 2005 12:46  

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