Thursday, July 07, 2005

Dare to Live YOUR Life?

I remember the time I was a teen... I had this very conscious conflict for my identity... I had this urge to defy everything that was told to me only because I wanted to be "Me". And even if at that time I really did not know who "I" was, I still managed to put up a good show by experimenting different things, trying out things outside the ordinary, doing things on instinct rather than reason... And through the whole exercise there is this one basic thing I learnt... If u put ur hand in fire, ull burn ur fingers... and if u DID burn ur fingers, the Fire had nothing to do with it!!

To put it in simpler words, ones actions have their consequences and one has to be prepared to face them. Now I can see most people reading this topic nod in approval and I believe everyone I have told this to have nodded as well. But the fact is... If you DID take responsibility for all ur actions, you wud not b blaming somebody else for things that did not work out.... If u did take ur own decisions, you wud not be running around people asking them for advise on every small little thing in your life... and you certainly would not do someting which you did not believe in just because the society or people around you make you.

So now tell me... Do you really dare to live YOUR life?
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:30 PM


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