Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The law of Consistent History

Opening up the possibility of Time Travel by the Theory of Relativity brought up many interesting arguements unto the way we have formalized this world uptill this date. One of the more famous examples quoted against the possibility of Reverse-Time Travel (travelling to the Past) is the Good Ol Grandma's Paradox.

Stated simply it says: If I were to travel to the past, to a time before I was born and kill my own grand mother.. that would lead to an inconsistent state wherein my Grandma is dead n so I was not born.. and since I was never born, I could never go to the past to kill her!!

I was always and still am intrigued to know wot the solution to this paradox will be until recently when I hit upon this article that describes The Law of Consistent History.

Wot this theory states in a matter of logical deductions is that the "Future" is based upon the incidents that happened in the "Past" and are happening in the "Present". The theory imagines a kind of Cronology-Protection System where-in all factors that result in a definite future (in this case My Birth) has already been determined (including the possibility that I will travel back in time and try to kill my grand mother). This system will then act as a force which will prevent me from doing anything that will effect the definite future. So in other words, Nature will moderate my actions in such a way that I will never be able to go back in time and kill my Grand Mom!!

It sounds pretty cool huh? Wait till I rephrase the theory in simpler words... It basically means that even though Time Travel is possible, I can never go to the past and Undo History the way we know it. Extending this further, as much as the past is completely defined... so is the future. So now after all these years, we are suddenly living in a world where the Past, Present and Future has already been determined by this mysterious "Cronology-Protection System".

Now here's my question: Were we not pained enough scientifically fighting the existence of FATE which religions press so hard upon us that we go about creating this bizzare scientific explaination for the very same thing and call it the CRONOLOGY-PROTECTION SYSTEM?
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:02 PM


Always like Scientific Philosophy.

Well its less about knowing the future and more about proving that if required YOU can control YOUR life rather than follow the path destiny chose for u blindly.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 15 July, 2005 10:52  
& how do U control YOUR life when the fact is that, U are absolutely NOBODY:-)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 05:24  
But YOU are indeed EVERYBODY for you!
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 August, 2005 10:28  

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