Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Dream

And my heart sees no reason why I dream of the day I walk up to u with slow steps of anticipation... I am happy that I vil be seeing you after such a long time and the happiness has filled me with an energy so buoyant that I cant get the smile off my face... And yet the the nervousness of facing u has filled me up with butterflies fluttering all over giving me a sense of nausea affecting my sense of calm and better judgement.

We have never known each other before... infact we have hardly spoken at lengths a couple of times... And maybe thats the reason why I am so nervous... coz Ive always wondered if the look u gave me everytime we crossed each other was a passing glance or a subtle gaze understanding how I felt... And even while the count of these instances ven my heart has skipped a beat around u is negligible as compared to the plentitude of instances in my life, I dream of you...

And my heart sees no reason why I dream of the day I walk up to u with slow steps of anticipation... anticipation indeed where u look up into my eyes and whisper... I feel the same way as u do.

Ah well, but thats my dream. I wonder wots yours.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 11:09 PM


"when does she ever come
to his humble woken up beginning"

Hmmm I wonder.. :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 18 July, 2005 23:15  
And when is your dream gonna come true?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 July, 2005 09:15  
if its come frm within then let it b the way it is throughout ur life..wonder who da lucky 1 is..vil definitely ask how u feel after marraige...God bless u:-)
someone sending this stuff to me i wud say bull shit
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 05:12  

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