Monday, July 18, 2005

Branding Relations

I often wonder how ppl dont realize the amount of restrictions tey unknowingly place just because they try 2 slot their relations into the fixed set of containers they have created in their own private worlds!! This process is so so convoluted that ppl just end up either curbing themselves because the "Relation" does not allow them to or they force themselves into doing much more because the "Relation" needs them to! Well, welcome to the world of Branded Relations :)

Here is a story to elaborate:

They met one day at the workplace. He just happend to be passing by and she just happened to be siting there. She was introduced to him by one of their common friends and soon they started talking to each other. Initially she called him her "Acquaintance" and they generally spoke over lunch or during breaks. Soon they exchanged numbers and now they found themselves talking about problems faced in office, people in office, n general office gossip. He had become her "Office Friend".

One day during a usual telephone call he sensed her sobbing on the other side... being the poilte guy that he was he prodded her into telling him y she was crying. It had been a small family fight and after a usual pep-talk frm him she felt much better. Next day, not wanting to be insensitive he followed up vit her 2 make sure she was feeling alright. After a couple of more sessions discussing personal issues and a few more weeks thru time she looked to him as a one-point retreat for anything wrong in her life. He had become her "Bestest Friend".

Things seemed ok until a point ver tey found immense satisfaction in spending time together. Now the girl starts to think... "We spend so much time together. And we are not even going steady!! This is not going right. What vil ppl say?" So she speaks her heart out 2 him and they mutually decide that since they are not in an "Affair", they shud spend less time vit each other. As an obvious consequence of gettin so used to spending so much time vit each other during the past few days, the days without each other seemed longer than usual.

The girl again thinks... "Why wud I miss him so much unless he means something important to me?" And so again pours her thoughts out to the guy who completely agrees. So now they officially start having an affair.

Some more time passes and the girl again sits n thinks..."We are having an affair and he has not yet told me evn ONCE that he loves me". Off she goes and throws a big tantrum about it to him threatning him vit cutting relations and after recovering frm the shock he assures her that he loves her. He is not very sure... but they are having an affair and they do spend time together n he does like it... so logically he shud be loving her rite?

Now that he had acknowledged that he loves her, he starts thinking about it... Until then they never really spoke "Romantic". How cud he not be romantic ven he was in luv vit her? So next day he forces himself to rite her some luv notes, forces her to send kisses to him over phone, demands that she stay vit him much lonnger than usual. If she loved him, she wud do that for him now wud'nt she? And confronted vit the challenge of proving to him that she did indeed "Love" him... she gave in to most tantrums of his (except letting his hands run wild while kissing ;))

Another few months passed and she posed the inevitable question... He had really not thought about it and this was certainly a jolt into reality. They had been in an "Affair" and they acknowledged that they "Loved" each other. So the obvious future was to get "Married"!!

As predictable as they had been till now, like good children they went off and got "Married". Now since they had married, society demanded that they procreate... n so they now are a family with 2 nice lil children.

And even 2day if u ask either one of them if they loved each other... they'ed univocally say "Yes"... they are not sure... but they ver in an affair.. they said repeatedly in the past that they loved each other... they shared some forced romance which they got used to latter ... and they got married right?? Wot other explaination can all these facts lead up to other than the simple fact that they loved each other?

Duh!! And I thought You are supposed to drive a relation... Not let the Name of the Relation drive you!!!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:03 PM


very nicely put :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 July, 2005 16:36  
I too believe in forced relations. You are expected to do so many things just because of the name of relation.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 July, 2005 17:43  
The world already has a lot of runaway brides and no-show weddings. Let people be happy with the obvious future of getting married.

And when you say "she gave in to most tantrums of his (except letting his hands run wild while kissing ;))", I bet you are being too idealistic :p
Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 July, 2005 19:17  
So very true!!!
Also it takes a lot to make 2 diff set of individuals really "click"..
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 July, 2005 09:11  
You seem to know a lot of details about these guys to hint that they werent really in love... Look at the other side.. Maybe they were really in love but didnt realise it until they tried to fit themselves into one of those Branded Relationships....

Who really knows what Love really is... I think the definition of love is very relative.. Love means different for different people ...

All said and done, its worth it if they are happy after all these years of marriage ...
Blogger Shil, at 19 July, 2005 23:33  
Yes they could have been in love. But again, it might have just been the "being used to each other" feeling. We will never know that :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 20 July, 2005 15:19  
r u trying to find ansz to ur own q's...hmmm rags..have u found out the true definition of love...i totally agree vit Shil.(Look at the other side.. Maybe they were really in love but didnt realise it until they tried to fit themselves into one of those Branded Relationships....I think the definition of love is very relative..)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 05:04  
r u trying to find ansz to ur own q's...hmmm rags..have u found out the true definition of love...i totally agree vit Shil.(Look at the other side.. Maybe they were really in love but didnt realise it until they tried to fit themselves into one of those Branded Relationships....I think the definition of love is very relative..)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 05:05  
The fact is that I made the story a "Happy Ending". Consider wot wud have happend if the Girl or boy refused to go have an affair. It wud just be an example of a beautiful relationship lost because of the "Branding"
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 August, 2005 10:32  

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