Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wanna see ma Apartment?

Came across this piece of software(Google Earth) a few weeks back. Got it installed on my PC and was quite impressed. Thought u shud try it too. Enjoyed zooming to Rambergsvagen Sweden, Mariahilpher strasse Austria and other places I know of in these countries. For US, it almosts shows u upto the buildings!!
The twin-building u c at the center of this image is my appartment buildings!

Unfortunately it works only till town-level for India.

Try it out... tis fun :) My geography wud have been MUCH Better if this had come out in school ;)
:: posted by RagsInRags, 6:25 PM


Already done. Neat stuff I agree.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 26 July, 2005 19:52  

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