Monday, July 25, 2005

I Miss Her

And as I sit here lonely in my room, I remember the time I used to spend with her. Not that I wanted to leave her behind during all my travels.. but she wud just prove to be excess baggage if I took her along. And besides, I always thought... "Wot the heck.. tis not like she is irreplacable!"

And ven I came in here and settled in, I did manage to get maself a surrogate. Sum1 not "Her" and yet capable of giving me atleast half the pleasure she used to. And until now I thought this was true.

I remember sitting vit her in remorse times, my hand gently laid out over her. And as my fingers worked its way over her physical being, she sang to the tune of Fur Elise... Her sound sweeping across the room engulfing ur existence... as if... proclaiming oneness with you.

And she responded to most of my playful nuance... crooning softer ven I touched softly and bursting vit excitement if I poked hard. She even emoted the trills and the vibratoes as my fingers teased her with subtle variations. If I closed my eyes, I could almost paint her expressions in vivid color of my mind. It was like... she spoke to me.

And as I sit here lonely in my room, I remember the time I used to spend with her. I have this surrogate lying in front of me and she IS capable of singing too. But ven she does, her voice sounds so plain and colorless... she lacks the most essential ingredient of all... expressions.

I miss playing my keyboard. I miss my Triton.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 10:12 PM


Nice one ... But I knew u were refering to HER from the first line ....

Have a great day
Blogger Shil, at 25 July, 2005 23:34  
Good u bot a keyboard there too?

are u planning to create a record of buying the most number of instruments?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 26 July, 2005 04:52  
So 'her' was your keyboard.. ;)
Blogger SU, at 26 July, 2005 05:26  
Shil, Santy
Guess m gettin more n more predictable by the day eh? ;)

Did not buy 1.. borrowed 1 from my roomie :D

yep u guessed it rite ;)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 26 July, 2005 10:14  
Good one. Although I knew there was something in it when the Fur Elise reference came in :-)
Blogger RS, at 31 July, 2005 07:52  
Yeah, the fur elsie was the "intended" give away... but some ppl here seem 2 kno me to well :(
Blogger RagsInRags, at 31 July, 2005 19:46  
u dun have to worry et sure u vil change wot people tink abt u very soon....
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 04:45  

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