Thursday, August 04, 2005

Imprudent Service

Not until recently have I encountered a very strange attitude ven working with people. The one-sentence description would be "If u think there is a problem, tell me and Ill gladly correct it."

Now, I surely do not want to go about making generalizations and I also do not want to classify things as black or white. But I do find this attitude a lil cold and lacking in morals or ethics. At the least, I believe this to be utterly careless and demonstrative of a persons attitude to be indifferent to the service he provides.

If I walked into Macs and ordered a Double Cheese Burger with Extra Cheese and Mayonaise, Tomatoes, Onions, and no peppers or pickle I trust that the burger I get in hand fulfills my order. But reality seems to be far from that (atleast vit the ppl Im interacting with). I wud get a burger for sure... but Ill have no idea if it is wot I ordered! If u r still vondering bout wot m getting at, here is how it works...

After opening the burger I realise that I do not see enuf cheese. So I walk up to the counter n say, cud I have extra Cheese please? The guy at the counter gladly takes the burger back and returns with an extra slice of cheese melting in between the bread... thats ven I realize I dont see onions either.. so I again tell him with a smile - And some onions too?... he smiles again n carefully seasons the bread with onions. Happy that I finally got wot I want, I walk out of the store and dig my first bite into the burger... and walla.. I get the pungent sour taste of pickle which I so much hate!! Did I not say "no peppers or pickle"?

The funny part is that there is no confrontation here coz venever I point out something missing, the guy gladly rectifies it. But it is highly frustrating for me coz I not only have to order but also have to verify if wot I got is indeed wot I ordered! Then Y the hell r they paying that guy NEways? Shud'nt the guy be attentive enuf 2 get the order straight the first time and try to do it all correctly?

Those guys can definitely get away with doing this once or twice, but they r seriously gambling the one thing that will ensure that I wud go back to them for my next burger... n that is the basic trust that these guys can do wot they r supposed to do. Are they not obligated to do their jobs well Or have they just gotten so freakin confident that they doubt my intelligence?
:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:00 PM


Is this Mac we are talking about? Does not look like it :)

Well said.. Some people indeed give you a sloppy product and assume that you are not intelligent enough to fnd out.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 19:26  
he he dont go to mac. go to pizza hut.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 04 August, 2005 22:47  
Have you tried listing your requirements on a paper (Email in this case :-) ) ...
Blogger Shil, at 05 August, 2005 01:15  
sadly i knw what u are talking about. u just need to add another scenario where they gat back saying, sorry I didnot understand u correctly , did u mention all that !!! oops I missed it. Now that u want it , ofocurse we will give it to u
Anonymous Anonymous, at 09 August, 2005 07:48  
I guess setling for a pizza ven I want a burger is completel out of question.

All I talk of is well documented procedures. Or I wud not call the act careless.

Ive told concerned people directly too. But twas not so dramatic though. I sure hope some1 knocks some senses into their heads.

Long time no c (I think). yeah tey sure vil giv it but only after causing a lot of agravation which cud hav been completely skipped had they behaved a lil more responsible!
Blogger RagsInRags, at 09 August, 2005 19:57  

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