Sunday, July 31, 2005

An Unusual Weekend

Last nite as I closed my eyes to end the day in sleep, I cud still see the stern of the raft in my minds eyes making its way through the rapids of Penobscot River... I cud still hear the voice of our guide shouting "ALL FORWARD" above the din of the roaring waters as they gushed their way over every rock that tried to stop them, swirling and twirling into monsterous eddies we tried to avoid.

One moment we were lifted skyward whilst the brave team of eight dug into the water with their oars and all the might they cud muster and a moment later we ver plunging into a fall 13 feet deep whilst we felt the raft being mercilessly pounded by the fierceness of 3200 cubic feet of water flowing per second.

And there ver times ven I cud see the raging waters coming right at my face as the stern plunged into the river and suddenly I was surrounded by bubbles and muffled turbulence. And ven I regained my sense of surrounding I wud realize that I was floating under the surface of water, being swept by the currents helplessly until someone who still held ground on the raft threw me an oar or extended their hand to catch... The moment of truth ven u really kno wot ur made off... The moment ven u kno that the only thing that cud get u out is trusting ur life in the hands of ppl u hav met not more than a couple of hours ago.

Yes guys, I said I'll do it and I did it!! I went White Water Rafting in the Class V Rapids of Penobscot River, Maine over this weekend. And after being thrown off the raft three times and tiring the hell out digging into the waters with my oar... Im quite sure Ill do it again soon :)

This is definitely one of those weekends whose thought wud bring about a serene smile on my face and make me whisper... Been there... dun that.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 7:47 PM


Done a Class II at Delaware. But a Class V? I can only imagine the fury of the waters.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 July, 2005 23:25  
i dont knoe swimming. so i will never do this
Anonymous Anonymous, at 01 August, 2005 08:25  
dun challenge the nature..mumz words - never go against the nature or challenge it..not good..did it once advise-dun do it again - from mommy.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 04:39  
Yes MOMMY :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 August, 2005 10:34  

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