Thursday, August 11, 2005


Another thing that has caught up with the competitive spirit and need for test-preparedness is something people call "Mock-Interviews" now-a-days. Though the name is clear enuf, for the mentally challenged who visit this site, Ill spell it out. It is a way of having someone internal to the company interview a probable candidate and ask them questions which clients would potentially ask. This way, the candidate gets more experience in answering right and helps in escaping possibly tricky situations.

Why am I writing about this? Well, just yesterday I conducted a mock myself and was amused with the artificiality and the awkwardness the whole process carries! I had given a mock to my superior about a year ago for a post of a project manager and I sure felt the same awkwardness that I cud sense the candidate feeling yesterday! It is especially hilarious ven the person taking the interview does not get along very well with the interviewee :)

He: So, are you open to putting in extra hours if required?

Me: Sure! I always do what is required to get the job done (u always MAKE SURE I put in extra hours for no reason!)

He: (gr8. He never does any work and makes me wait late so that I can make sure he does HIS work!) Thats nice. And how many people have you managed in the past?

Me: Around 10 to 15 (with the amount of work u make me do, Im sure I cud handle another 20 if I were at the clients place!)

He: (Yeah... I kno exactly how u manage the "10 to 15" people u r talking about).

I can go on, but I think u ppl get the idea.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 4:42 PM


You are refering to Mocks here but I find the same setup at the interviews that we are currently conducting for Project Managers...

Blogger Shil, at 12 August, 2005 00:47  
U Serious?
Blogger RagsInRags, at 12 August, 2005 11:59  
hi u commented on my blog i comment on yours...whatever
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12 August, 2005 21:58  
however awkward it is but it surely does help, i think it is a necessity.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 13 August, 2005 01:13  
who adores you,
True, I did feel like a fool :)

Sometimes, yes. Depends on what the mock is about. There shud b some sense in giving the mock. For eg: Mocks of technical skills wud help.

Dont remember commenting on any "anonymous" blog. But hey.. whatever!
Blogger RagsInRags, at 15 August, 2005 22:34  
True. Wotever....Wotever....eeee
Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 August, 2005 04:05  

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