Monday, August 22, 2005

Niagra Falls

Went this weekend to the Niagra Falls. A pretty hectic trip it was. Started Friday at 0100Hrs and reached the place at 0930Hrs. Returned Sunday by 2300Hrs.
Saturday was generally overcast and there was not much Sun to do some scouting for nice photographic locations. To top that I prefered to NOT carry my 70-300 Sigma Macro Lense and did not bother checking on my Camera Battery. So I spent Saturday rationing the photographs I was taking to conserve as much power to get me to the Butterfly Garden.. On reaching there, I throughly missed my Macro Lense. I had a 70-300Canon USM, but for some reason (mayb due to the low battery) it was not following subjects well. Missed a lot of good shots there (But did get a few good ones too).

At night we scouted to the Skylone Tower only to find that the mist churned up by the falls in addition to the already cloudy day accounted for "ZERO" visibility of the falls from the observation deck. That was the second dissappointment. We then moved on the Falls Lookout area and spent some time watching the falls change colors in the night.

Sunday morning was promising and I had my Camera Battery recharged in the night. So got some (not exceptional) shots. I guess I was generally not at my creative best that day.

We started back Sunday afternoon only to find that we had a flat tyre. We waited for around 1 hour n 30 mins for Roadside assistance to arrive.

Overall, a pretty "happening trip". On my first trip to Niagra, I cud not go to the Canadian side. On the second trip, the weather in general was not good. M planning for a third trip soon. :)

Other (Low Res) photographs have been posted at Yahoo Photos. As usual, drop in comments/ask me if u need a Hi Res image of any particular shot.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:27 PM


next time u better carry wotever lenses u wanna carry..NICE photos.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 23 August, 2005 00:54  
Yeah.. and Ill have 2 hire some1 like a caddy to carry my equipment around :)
Nah! Just saving up so that I can get a good "Smaller" macro lense.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 23 August, 2005 07:07  
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..
I guess you just captured few of those moments.. Great job rags..
Blogger Murali Nair, at 30 August, 2005 23:33  

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