Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Wakeup Call

Admist breaking dreams I could feel her nudge me... "Wake up" she called... Unwilling to open my eyes to the bright morning light I had thoughts racing thru my head trying to figure out wot day it was. "Its a Sunday" I goarned pushing aside whatever was getting in the way of me assuming a comfortable position again to get back to my lazy sleep. "Its 11 in the morning" she urged intensifying the nudging.

"What is it with you?" I shouted frustrated and almost immediately changing my voice to a half sobbing continued "Let me sleep some more na .. pleaseeee"

My eyes were still closed but I had come to enuf consciousness to sense her sitting on the bed besides me. And as I re-positioned myself with a pillow over my face to dark out the bright light I felt a mysterious silence. I did not sense the she had left and nor was she nudging me anymore. She just sat there... doing nothing. And as curiosity grew to know wot she was upto, I raised the pillow and half opened my snoozy eyes to catch a glimse of what she was doing.

She sat there staring at me with the weirdest smile. And after 2 seconds of looking at her and not finding any change in expression I consciously asked "What?"

"You kno" she smirked, "this is the time you are the most adorable". Now I was in no mood for a romantic compliment early in the morning especially ven I was keen to catch up with some more sleep. "Good" I snubbed scratching through my itchy morning hair. Turning away from her I pulled up the comforter and was ready to snooze again.

"No Really", she pushed. Now that was a sign I knew which meant that I was supposed to ask her... "Why". So I half heartedly asked.. "Why?" and was almost ready to ignore any words that followed.

"Coz your very lovable?" she said. "huh?", I dazed turning half back until I cud see her thru the corner of my eyes. "What?" I asked.

"Coz your realy cute!!" she stressed.

I was already irritated with the realization that I was not getting any more sleep and now I had her talking in riddles early in the morning. Hessitantly I asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes... perfectly" she naughtly replied. Now I was completely confused about the sense she was making. At first I get three compliments and then she says everything was fine! So I turned around to look at her with all the concentration I cud gather. I pushed aside the sheets and got myself sitting next to her. "What?" I asked again with a questioning look of confusion.

"Nothing", she sprung up from the bed. "Now that I have ur attention and u r awake.... GET UP" she quipped as she walked out of the room.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 6:27 PM


Now that reminds me so much of someone I know. me ;)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 18 August, 2005 21:05  
Good attempt. But lacks the usual zing. Surely something you have not gone through.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 August, 2005 00:57  
Its good manners to let a guy sleep late into mornings :)

Dunno wot 2 say... vil try harder next time?

Dont get any ideas. U kno that ven u "Think" bout sumone in context of me... things actually "Happen" to me down the road!
Blogger RagsInRags, at 19 August, 2005 12:17  
Much as the post seems to reflect your irritation at being woken up early (/late) mornings, I suspect it's one of your romantic fantasies.

Correct me if I am wrong.
Blogger Nidhi, at 19 August, 2005 13:12  
Yes Nidhi,
It is one of those teeney-weeney romantic fantasies of mine. Gud 1 huh?
Blogger RagsInRags, at 19 August, 2005 13:29  
Yeah, pretty sweet!:)
Blogger Nidhi, at 20 August, 2005 00:42  
just dreaming is not going to get you anywhere though ;)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 August, 2005 22:16  

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