Friday, August 19, 2005

Unwanted Policing

This morning as I walked into the parking lot I saw the US Postal Service Van driving past into the Visitors Parking Space. Normally the Postal Van just pulls up on the side of the driveway and the postman gets off the van (with hazzard lights on) to put in the letters into the required mail-boxes.

I had always wondered if they had different driving rules for such vehicles coz the van is normally parked in a lane which boldly says "No Parking - Fire Lane". I felt quite nice that finally the Postman got some sense kicked into his head and he was actually using the "Visitors Parking" slots specifically provided for vehicles like these which dont belong to the Residents!

And as I was walking to my car, the Postman got out with a bunch of letters in his hand. "You cannot park there" a woman's voice shouted. Both me and the postman looked up to figure out its source. It was a woman standing on the third floor of the apartment and as we located her, she repeated, "You cannot park there sir".

Post man: "I gotta put these mails into their boxes"
Lady: Yes, but you cannot park there. That slot is for Visitors
Postman: But it will only take 5 mins
Lady: Are you new?
Postman: Yes, I am new to this area.
Lady: The old postman used to park along the driveway in the fire-lane. You should do the same.
Postman: Am I allowed to park in the Fire-Lane?
Lady: I dunno.. The old postman used to. But I know you cannot park in the visitors parking slot.
Postman: Oh, Okay. As you say lady. (and he walked back into the van and parked the van in the fire-lane)

And here I was sitting in the car wondering - what's the freaking point?
:: posted by RagsInRags, 5:52 PM


...there just upset because they have to drive from the passengers side
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 August, 2005 18:23  
what is the point
your mind you must annoint
Anonymous Anonymous, at 19 August, 2005 18:44  
I totally agree with SantyDayme.
Blogger Shil, at 22 August, 2005 00:10  
Took me some time to figure it out. Had a hearty laugh. Yep u r right.

Santy, Shil,
That was precisely the reason I was so amazed.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 August, 2005 10:22  

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