Thursday, October 27, 2005

That is love

Two halves have little choice but to join;
and yes, together they do make a whole.
But two wholes when they coincide...
That is beauty. That is love.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 11:03 AM


Please give a pertinent example.
(waiting for d example)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11 November, 2005 08:59  
:) Guess people did not realee understand the deeper aspect of this quote. So I quote the same words differently:

when 2 halves join together to make a whole, they do so out of necessity. They are not complete without the other half..

But when one is already a "whole".. there is absolutely no need to cling on to another whole... And yet when they decide to unite; that is the true indication of selfless intent to live together.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 26 January, 2006 12:11  
is the word "coincide" really apt???
Blogger Unknown, at 16 January, 2011 11:41  

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