Thursday, January 26, 2006

Nostalgia - Poetic License

I always vondered wot is it tat actually makes d difference ven an artist/author/poet/etc express D same very things tat mite be so everyday tat v almost overlook it. And wot I hav come 2 believe is tat its 2 do with perception n D way tey force us 2 look at those things in a different way... Tey describe things in so much detail n yet leave so much unsaid tat our imagination forces us 2 fill in D voids tryin 2 relate wot v kno vit wot mite fit into D picture best...Dont think Im drivin D point across?? Well ten lets just read on...N for adding a lil more spice...Lets just assume tat frm now on I am talkin on behalf of a girl (girls...sorry 2 tread ur territory...but I promise 2 get off soon).

It happened yesterday...I could feel him besides my skin. He sat soft, un-detered. I was Xpecting him 2 get at it rite away, but he prefered to just sit in position for a while....mayb he was just testin the waters...maybe he was studyin my Xpressions..mayb he just wanted me to wait.....but soon he started gettin 2 D actual thing. God!! He does it so well. I must say tat only he cud do sumthin like this so skillfully....he started slowly feelin around with his instrument and all I cud feel was a tickle....soon he found D rite place, and with so much skill he put it rite in...I felt just a prick...and soon it developed into a itch tat was so irrestible tat I cud almost cry out in pain....

Well lemme stop. I mean I cud go on...But I guess this much is enuf 2 drive D point across...

Wot was ritten above just provided a different perspective 2 wot happens 2 us everyday (u dont think so?? Well believe me...ul hav Xperienced it at least a thousand times!!). I guess tis D atmosphere n the "Element of the Unsaid" tat makes it so different n drives ur imagination WILD. Had I been a normal person, I wud hav just said..."I got bitten by a mosquitoe yesterday!!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 11:41 AM


Fantastic......try scorpian bite...
Blogger Unknown, at 16 January, 2011 11:27  

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