Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Nostalgia - The essence of living (2002-10-23)

He made ALL Life equal....tats wot v hav been taught n told time n again rite thru our schooling years. Well I surely do not wish 2 get philosophical bout it this morn for I kno tat my philosophy can eat into a thousand mornings like this and yet leave a lot unsaid. But Ive oft vondered if sum1 really challenged tat thought....

Well for 1, we all know tat man is His most favorite of creations...So did He not get biased bout it evn a little bit?? think bout it...V humans r D MOST Superior of races known on this planet!!..and yet v so blindly believe that "He made All Life equal"....So does tat equality really exist??

Wot is it that gives each n every living form a right place of its own in this world?? There has 2 b sumthin Coz I personally dont believe tat sum1 holding such a prestigious cadre as "GOD" wud bias His decisions!!

And ven u think bout it...ter is 1 attribute tat exists vit every form of life without which it is impossible 2 live...No No...dont cum up vit sentiments like luv n affection n all tat...well...I dont think an Amoeba is capable of luv!! And evn if u hav not given it a serious thought till now...u vil start coz ter is just 1 thing that actually makes life tick...n tat is D element of Choice..Every being has D "Right to Choose"..An Amoeba can choose his food and the place he wants 2 go just as easily as a human can choose wot he wud like 2 eat for dinner n ver he wud like 2 dine...N this asset of choice is not restricted 2 just food....Coz every time u exercise this option...u r either making or breaking ur future...Ver u choose to go 2day decides on ver u vil b tommorow...And ven u come 2 believe that this is indeed the crux of all life and the power that helps u forge ur future...think back into ur life n remember just how many times hav u actually excercised this option??? It wud b painful 2 realize tat almost 75% of ur choices ver actually made not by u.....but by D circumstances tat existed in ur life at tat time....And I dont mean makin a virtue out of ur decision...Dont tell urself tat u chose 2 do wot u did just coz u did not hav NE other choice!!...It mite hav been D only "practicle Choice" available 2 u at tat time...But if u do really understand wot Im tryin 2 tell u 2day ten u vil realize tat THERE IS NEVER a situation ver u do not hav a choice!

So be truthful 2 urself and ten if u really believe tat evn 40% of ur choices ver actually made by you n not D circumstances u ver in...ten rejoice...for u hav just learned D essence of living...
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:20 PM


m enlightened :D
Blogger Unknown, at 16 January, 2011 11:01  

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