Monday, January 30, 2006

Nostalgia - Three Element Theory (2002-10-10)

Recently I had read an article on the "Three Element Theory" of human feelings. And I almost instantly fell for it coz according to that theory, almost every other feeling amongst the multitudes of emotions tat a human is capable of experiencing can be systematically broken down 2 just 3 basic D primary colors...Vondering wot Im talkin bout huh?? Well here's D gist...

The only pure feeling that humans r capable of feeling is luv. This is the basic feeling that every1 is born vit...As time passses, this luv givs rise to a derivative feeling of hope..and the combination of Luv n Hope givs rise to the second derivative of "Fear".

In any1s life if ter has 2 be progress ten ter has 2 b luv (in any 1 of its various manifestations) as D primary driving force. So Lets start by saying....I luv 2 b rich...this luv for richness is gonna giv rise to a thousand dreams of being rich. I can just leave D dreams ver it lies n say its a bunch of crap but if my luv is strong enuf ten at a certain stage, I get this derivative feeling of hope sayin tat sumday I wud indeed become rich and an urge 2 wrk towards this goal. 1ce I develop this hope and start working..I almost immediately get a feeling of "Fear" sayin wot if I dont become rich?? This forces me 2 be Xtra careful..

So D way D three wrk is....

Luv..........givs u D goal tat u u D guiding light

Hope.........givs u D strength 2 keep tryin..workin towards wot u want

And Fear.....keeps u on guard of possible pitfalls..makin u take safer routes if needed.

For me, this theory wrks gr8. N if ul r vonderin ver all D other feelings go..Well for starters Ill giv u D way u mite wrk it out..

Hate...Complete lack of Luv for another and a lots of luv for 1self

Depression...Complete lack of Hope.

Over Cofidence / Vainity....lack of fear..

Nervousness.....combination of Hope n Fear

Now tat u hav D idea...u shud b able 2 wrk out every feeling to just a little bit of Luv, a few rays of hope and little spells of fear.

Happy reciepe making !!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:26 PM


Interesting theory there, how is this:

unacknowledged love + fear of dying alone = perpetual depression


Vanity + Fear = self involved Coward

Note: Could you please write in proper coherant english. It is very hard to read and understand what you are trying to say.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 January, 2006 22:47  
Hmm.. guess u got the hang of it :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 01 February, 2006 18:10  
tis is related 2 how power of subconscious mind works....
Blogger Unknown, at 16 January, 2011 11:16  

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