Thursday, February 02, 2006

Nostalgia - Age Old Luv (2002-10-24)

Tey ver already ter ven I entered..there tey sat in tat corner...all 2 themselves..oblivious of D whole world..tey talked...coo-chee-cooed...Occasionally the girl wud go into a fit of giggles and D guy wud reward her vit a nice peck on her cheek....sumtimes her lips...Tey sat snugly...close 2 each other...tey looked so good together tat I cud not get my eyes off them!!

D guy was wearing a blue tuxedo and D girl was in the ever
guy had a typical mafia look n D girl had a serene face...content..peaceful...her smile cud giv u a sense of warmth evn in D most troubled of situations...I presume tey ver spanish...coz D lady kept sayin "Nay Por Favor Naaay..." (No Please..Noooo..) venever D guy got carried away vit his kisses...n ten D guy wud giv D most teasing smile like he knew Xactly D amount of embarrasment and Excitement D girl was goin thru.

Well, Ive seen a lot of couples here like tese...But I must say tat this couple
was different...tey mite as well b a symbol of the real "Age Old " luv...Y u
ask?? Well for 1 reason...They were way above 60 yrs of age but loved each other
like tey ver still in their teens!!

Now thats 1 hell of an "Age Old" Luv Or shud I say "Old Age" Luv??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 6:01 PM


thats really sweeet :))
Anonymous Anonymous, at 02 February, 2006 20:52  
ven n ver???? cute:)
Blogger Unknown, at 16 January, 2011 10:57  

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