Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Do U Have a Hobby? (2002-11-29)

I wonder how many of us really know the meaning of "Having a Hobby"....Hmmm.. ul might think tis not as bad as I might b portrayin it, but D fact is tat lesser ppl kno Xactly wot a hobby is than u think.

Durin a conversation I was havin vit 1 person out here, there was a very interesting point that was put forward by her. She said....if u ask a person wot his/her hobby is n they reply vit sumthin like "Reading" or "Listning to Music" u must conclude that they actually dont hav a hobby at all!! And D reason she gave was pretty conclusive. So that is wot set me thinking about wot actually makes a person having a Hobby different from a person who "believes" he has a hobby.

Startling at first, D most probable contender to become ur "very own" hobby is D thing u might find urself doing in ur spare time!! And though the equation goes the other way round (ie. u usually hav a hobby n ten decide to persue it during ur spare time), people just dont get the concept into their heads.

I remember an interaction I had 1ce vit a person during my Sweden assignment which had actually turned out quite bitter. He said tat his hobby was "Dancing". I was quite surprised and did view him vit a lil awe at first until I asked him...So wot kind of dances interests you D most...He had this blank look on his face...So I re-iterated, do u prefer Waltz, Latin, Jive, Disco, or is there any specific style that interests you? And he very wittingly said..."Dance is Dance...style does not matter." Albeit I could have taken it as a sentence from a person who knew very deeply about his subject, I knew better. So I just digged in a lil deeper only to find out that his idea of dancing was to put on music (any kind that made some rhythmic sense) and move is hands n legs to it...And that was his hobby!!

Though I do respect his opinion, the fact is that a hobby is something surely more than wot u just like to do. It must be something that interests you (Or sumthin that u cultivate your interest in). If u say u like to read...dont say u read gossip magazines or any novel that falls into ur hands. Tell me that u like the works of shakespere, u like philosophy, u like fiction, Or u like scientific literature n Ill buy it. If u say u like listening to music, dont tell me u like "slow romantic numbers". Take D pains to find out the style of music u like. Try listening 2 other stuff n compare their styles. Nevertheless, u vil still end up saying u like "Slow romatic Numbers", but D difference would be that u will know it belongs to the "Pop/Ballade" class of music. Take D pains to educate urselves on ur hobby coz no1 else is going to do tat. It is "Your" Hobby, remember???

D Idea is to do something constructive with your hobby and not use it as ur favorite time-pass tool. Yes, I agree tat you wud luv 2 take a hobby tat relaxes ur stress out...n if u gotta do so much for a hobby u mite as well not have 1. There is nothing I like better that 2 play my favorite tune on my keybord ven Im alone....But u must realize that I would not have hit upon that favorite tune without experimenting with lots of others first!

So to spell it out, first find out something that might interest you. Then delve deeper into the vastness of it. Most probably if u get into this phase, u vil actually kno if it interests u or it was just a fad u picked up. And 1ce u kno D vastness, narrow down on wot U "actually" like about it. If u r not willing to take evn this much pains, then the next time some1 asks u wot ur hobby is....Ud better say...."I dont have any serious hobbies"
:: posted by RagsInRags, 11:26 AM


I dont fully agree. You can have a "Not so Serious" hobby and still call it a hobby.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 February, 2006 14:30  
Good point. I agree with the post. It is not your hobby if you are not serious about it
Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 February, 2006 15:01  
An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.
This is what is the word meaning of hobby in a dictionary.
So how does it really matter if u r serious abt finding out wats ur fav kind of daance or who is ur fav author as long as u know that just putting on music and shaking ur body or picking up any thing(even a piece of old raddi newspaper) and reading it gives u pleasure??
Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 February, 2006 19:07  
There are lots of things that are done outside ones occupation for pleasure... Ive not heard many people say "Eating is my hobby" and not knowing wot they like to eat... or wud u say if eating is ur hobby it really does not matter wot u eat?? So u wud still enjoy it if u ver fed garbage everytime u expected something that stimulates ur taste-buds?
Blogger RagsInRags, at 21 February, 2006 19:35  
The bigger question is: What is it in a certain activity that pleasures me?
I will not know the answer unless I analyse and experiment with similar acts that dont. And even if so much analysis is put in, it can pass to be my hobby. If not, I would really stick to "I dont have any serious hobbies" ;)

I totally agree with you ragsinrags.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 February, 2006 19:56  
Thanks Rani,

Carol, Prashila..
I think I know wot u ppl are saying. But like Rani says... If U dont know what pleasures u, u r unlikely to take a liking to the thing u r doing. and hence that thing will cease to be ur hobby. In other words "was not ur serious hobby"
Blogger RagsInRags, at 22 February, 2006 15:58  

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