Friday, February 10, 2006

Nostalgia - Reinventing the wheel (2002-10-29)

Time is sumthin tat has always delluded mankind..D more u think uve understood, d more interesting it gets.

Well, dunno bout ul..but Ive always been interested in the theory of relativity n Quantum Physics that at best, attempts to understand the fourth dimension. Dunno if ul already kno but ven u come into D realm Quantum Physics (deal vit sizes of D magnitude of of sub-nuclear particles) u always talk of a four dimensional space. Conventionally a 3-coordinate system (xyz) is enuf 2 define a position of any object. But ven u talk of sub-atomic particles, the Wave-Particle nature of matter becomes increasingly evident to be ignored. So they say that there is a randomness in the absolute position of a particle and the particle can exist anywhere within a "Delta" space around the particle. Well, thats ven the fourth coordinate, time plays an important role. For such particles u have 2 re-define existence with four coordinates (xyzt) and this given instant "t", the particle exists at coordinates (xyz).

Relativity on the other hand talkes of time itself. It states that "time" is a relative perception of motion. At its basis, it proves that time is nothing but a way 2 quantize the infinite possibilities. U wud appreciate its significance if u understood how I used it 2 reduce the "Infinite posibilities of a particle's position" in the above 2 just 1 possibility by adding the dimension of time to it.

My attempt 2 consolidate the full Quantum Physics and Relativity into just 2 paragraphs is surely an act of foolishness, and Im quite sure tat Ive dun no justice 2 xplain the theories out in any way. For now suffice it 2 kno tat all Gurus of Relativity and Quantum Physics wud simply explain this theory in a single sentence as "The theory of Infinite possibilities". And if u just read on....u mite understand wot Im trying 2 say.

maharsayah sapta purve
catvaro manavas tatha
mad-bhava manasa jata
yesham loka imah prajah

This is a verse out of the Bhagwad Gita (10th Chapter Verse 6 for ppl interested). And u mite just hav ur eyes widen ven I giv u D interpretation of this verse. Im in no way a religious guy n surely do not know the holy scripts by-heart. So Ive taken the text below from the site (again for those interested). And I have added my comments in between.

The Lord is giving a genealogical synopsis of the universal population. Brahma is the original creature born out of the energy of the Supreme Lord (a subtle reference 2 the E=mc2), who is known as Hiranyagarbha. And from Brahma all the seven great sages, and before them four other great sages, named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, and the Manus, are manifested. All these twenty-five great sages are known as the patriarchs of the living entities all over the universe. There are innumerable universes and innumerable planets within each universe, and each planet is full of population of different varieties. All of them are born of these twenty-five patriarchs (There is a talk of the basic entities that constitute every matter in this universe. In Mordern Theory, there are only a certain fixed set of basic building blocks from which everything else can be created). Brahma underwent penance for one thousand years of the demigods before he realized by the grace of Krishna how to create. Then from Brahma came Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara, then Rudra, and then the seven sages, and in this way all the brahmanas and kshatriyas are born out of the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Brahma is known as Pitamaha, the grandfather, and Krishna is known as Prapitamaha, the father of the grandfather. That is stated in the Eleventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita (11.39).

Well, the highlight of this verse is when the there is a talk of "inumerable universes" (Xactly the theory of parallel Dimensions in the realm of relativity). Elsewhere in the Gita there is a talk of "pseudo time" and "Real Time" where though criptic, there is an explaination of the basis of the most profound theory of physics today...n that is the theory of infinite possibilities...And most of all...there is a talk of the birth of the universe from just "Pure Energy"...the basis of the mordern "BigBang" theory of the universe..

Well amigos!! this just sets me to think...R V by any chance trying to re-invent the wheel??
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:59 PM


There is a good possibility that we have had to reinvent the wheel many many times. Civilizations may have risen and fallen without adequate means of chronicling their decline. We from India do not have to look very far for such examples - Mohenjo Daro, Harappa and Ajanta/Ellora would suffice any such inquiries of an interested person for a lifetime. These people might have had knowledge that did not find a way to traverse the longitudinal in generations and hence, was lost somewhere along the way. Our destinations in exploration of the unknown may be a lot closer than we may expect - but what westerner takes the Gita seriously?

Anonymous Anonymous, at 16 January, 2011 10:41  

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