Thursday, February 16, 2006

Learn from the Experienced :D

To think back, Ive not had a "Bad" college life. In fact I was 1 of tose lucky guys who did nothin gr8 n yet had all D attention tat cud make NE normal guy pretty jealous bout my profile. I have as much as millions n millions of memories attached vit my college n 1ce sum1 trigers the narration process, I sumtimes surprise myself with D hours of talkin dat I can do, sumthin quite un-common for a pretty quite person like me! And every time I do dat, I hav this weird hang-over that lasts atleast 2 days after D naration which gives me this feeling of "Being There" and "Having Done Sumthin". Those days r still D best Ive had in my life n I cud do NEthin 2 get them back. And there was just 1 thing that made it all possible...n dat was a circle of gr8 ppl around me. I swear by God that ven and IF I do hav children, ter is just 1 thing that I wud luv to teach tem....D most important lesson Ive learnt all my life...D most difficult thing to understand...n yet D most beautiful of tem all....Id tell tem...

You've been in this world for wot...12 years now?
And people wud say...dont fear
They'd tell you ur problems r not as big as u think
for these r ur most tender years
They'd sound very sweet n reassuring at first,
And sumtimes they'd understand too
And All they'd ask is 2 study my dear
For thats wot is best for u

U'd listen 2 tem n sit in ur class
n b sincere all thru D way
But deep inside u'd find urself restless
2 come back home everyday
And ven u come back ud endlessly chatter
2 me or mayb ur mom
Ud keep us awake late into d nite
And sumtimes evn until dawn

Ven Im tellin u this dont get me wrong
Id luv 2 b ur friend
But as much as U'd want that this should last
Im sure that this is gonna end
It wud start vit things so trivial n small
Some things ud never wish to share
At first because tey r silly to you
But later coz u dont dare!

There'd first be a few n then more than u think
U'd hav tons of secrets in hand
And now even if u wish ud not tell tem 2 us
for its simple, we wont understand
So buckle up my child for time's running out
this is surely no time to rest
u've got a problem, a real big problem
the biggest in ur life at best

Search thru ur class, ur school, ur town
Search thru D world, for all I care
But find urself that small lil crowd
with whom ur secrets ud share
N b sure that ur sure of the choice that u've made
for these r ur best of friends
Its just too important that u pick the rite 1s
Or You'll end up alone in the end
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:32 PM


Good one
Anonymous Anonymous, at 16 February, 2006 15:57  
Well said
Anonymous Anonymous, at 16 February, 2006 18:29  
Nicely written and very true
Anonymous Anonymous, at 16 February, 2006 18:44  

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