Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nostalgia - Secret to Sucess? (2002-11-15)

Act like a man, feel like a woman, and dream like a child....

This seems to be the most common definition of for a good attitude required 2 b a sucessful individual (personal as well as professional life)!!

Well dont shoot D messenger folks for Im just conveyin wot Ive read in lotsa places. But to think of it, it might just make sense if u try 2 understand the importance of each part.

Act like a man...well ter is nothin like "Act Like a Man" actually Xcept for the ppl who believe in showin off Macho stunts. But unfortunately for them, this does not refer to such acts. It referers 2 D attitude of takin a problem head on...stayin focussed...thinking laterally, and most of all...hiding ur negative sentiments like fear n doubt. Hey..Im not sayin tat girls cant do tat (I no ter r a lot of "Womens Lib" ppl out ter who hav aready pointed their bazzoka's in my direction. All Im sayin is tat D general trend is for men to b better at it).

Next, feel like a woman...Well tats quite important coz if u cant "feel right", u wud never "do rite". This goes a long way to tell u "Have a heart 1ce in a while!!". It keeps u frm D risk of gettin urself converted to a highly motivated feelingless person as against being motivated and sensitive 2 others needs n issues. U gotta b able 2 cry 1ce in a while with ur co-worker on his/her misfortune. Or u wud just find urself so dettached frm reality after a few years tat u wud not remain "Human"!!

And D third, I wud claim as D most important of all is 2 dream like a child...Only children can dettach themselves frm reality and come up vit D most bizzare dreams...for them it is a lot of imagination at work and many a times this is the same very imagination tat triggers out new ideas n inventions!!

So for ppl who mite claim tat men r more sucessful tan women AND for women who claim tat women have more sucess potential tan men...I wud advice to think twice...Being sucessful is just trying to strike a right balance and get D best out of everything...n almost all sucessful people wud indeed have mastered to "Act like a man, feel like a woman, and dream like a child", be it a man or a woman!!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:29 PM


Good Thinking
Anonymous Anonymous, at 16 February, 2006 13:28  

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