Friday, February 17, 2006

Nostalgia - Another Paradox (2002-11-26)

By nature, humans are lazy. And it is because of this lazyness that we have progressed!

Now I hav u ppl either frowning 2 urselves n he goes again, OR I have ur attention. In either case, I actually dont need to Xplain D deeeeeeep meaning of that sentence. But I know wot that sentence Xactly means. N so D most probable outcome wud be tat if I dont Xplain, ul wud never exercise ur brains to understand it!! So Ill just go ahead n Xplain it.

If u really really need to understand this sentence, all u need 2 do is to look around...think bout ur house, think about ur life n D things that u use in it. D answer wud stand rite out in front of ur face. N if u feel that u r still getting nowhere vit D self-exploration ten Ill just spell it out for u.

D general tendency of a human is to always be lazy. He abides the golden rule, if things can be done without work, y work to get it done?? But he is also very intelligent and so instead of applying his intelligence to something abstract, he wud rather invest his time woking out how Xactly he can reduce his work. It might be the biggest paradox of life that people work real hard to obtain D ultimate objective of not working at all!! D Ideal world would be ven a person does not need to even move to get his work done. He just needs to command appliances to do it. An example may be the voice activated lights that are a luxury today but will soon find its way to every common household!

So U c the computer ur readin this mail in?? It was invented to ease humans D burden of calculating, performing mundane monotonous tasks. U c that chair ur sitting it. Hmmmm it is quite soft on ur bottoms as compared to the floor rite?? vel that is just an invention to increase ur sitting comfort raher than sit on the floor. D phone was invented so tat people did not have 2 spend time writing letters. In fact the whole of the consumer and services market that exists today is because of just 1 reason....We r just trying to find ways to make our life easier! If only we finally decide not to be lazy anymore, the whole system might just crash and we might just as well be thrown back into primitivity!

Cheers n heres to thinking just how lazy u can get !!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:11 PM


Real thought provoking. Maybe true too !
Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 February, 2006 11:03  

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