Monday, March 13, 2006

Forgive n Forget

How many of yawl have actually forgiven somebody for all the cruel things that he did 2 u? A quite a handfew u say huh? Well thats gr8!!

"Forgive and Forget".... this is a very commonly heard phrase ven it comes 2 ppl who try to giv u religious advise and try 2 show u D divinity that comes with the act of forgiving. And I truely believe that forgiving is a very divine thing to do. But just like all divine things, it is not a very easy thing to do either. Wot those religous leaders fail 2 xplain is that "Forgetting" is actually 2wice as divine as just "Forgiving". And yet the "Forget" part of the phrase is often at best Forgotten!!

Think about it... Ven and if ever u hav thought that u hav forgiven a person for wot he has done 2 u and u still remember very well wot he did which hurt u so much... have u really forgiven him for it? Or have u just consoled urself by saying that u did a gr8 deed by forgiving him ven actually all u hav done is given him another chance whist u are always on ur guard ven it comes 2 him?? After all, giving forgiveness is by no means a favour that u are offering that person (it is the gr8ness of ur heart u r portrayin) and the true essence of forgiving is to pretend that he never did such a thing to you right?

My personal experience has been that if I happen 2 look at a persons face and all I can think of is the way he has hurt me in the past.... then no matter whatever I say 2 D world.. heart of hearts.... I still have not forgiven him at all for wot he has done. And if I truely want 2 forgiv him, I would first try 2 forget what he did. In case I can get myself 2 forget it.....Ive automatically forgiven him!! And in case I cannot forget it inspite of all my efforts... then I just have 2 say 2 myself.... ok, lets give him 1 more chance 2 c how he fares.... and ten tis just a "wait n c" business.

And the beautiful part of the theory is that since every time u truely forgive some1, u hav in essence actually forgotten it already, you just dont have a count of how many times u have forgiven him!!! So in that way, it is an in-exaustible supply of forgiveness that you find urself with.

So now tell me..... how many of yawl have actually forgiven somebody?
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:30 PM


Focus should be on pain, not on the person.

It is the lack of understanding of the cause of pain and the uncertainity of getting it again, that does not allow the pain to subside.

I am not saying that you will not remember the incident but if you choose to forget, your future interactions with that person will stay uneffected by the past.
Blogger Mohit, at 03 July, 2006 13:21  

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