Thursday, July 27, 2006


"I hate You" she squalled from across the room followed by a deafening silence while I watched still trying to get to grips with what she just said as she stormed out the door.

Tears had welled up in her eyes long before she had uttered those words. The argument was following its normal course with me trying to reason my actions. She argued and I reasoned, she counter argued and I reasoned again. It was going to a point where she was quite frustrated with the fact that I was not understanding what she was saying. Or maybe she was frustrated that she was not getting it her way again. And I was trying to make her understand a point of view which I could not possibly expect her to understand for she had never been so mature to have a fuller view of life. And yet I struggled to explain hoping that she would atleast try to understand.

In my heart I knew that she really did not mean it. But she had never before used such harsh words to express her anger. And it really hurt. They say that words can make a deeper scar than silence can heal and some times it is better not have spoken than to speak and regret. But this is a moment I sure dont hope to remember long thru my life. This is a scar I pray should heal without trace. For I have to find it in my wisdom to let it go. I have to find enuf love within my heart to forgive what she said. And I have to find the strength and patience to teach, so that some day my daughter can understand how much words can really hurt.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 12:37 AM | link | 2 comments |

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Nano Technology

After the invention of the Nanomotor in 2003, the way we looked at mechanics as we knew it changed. And now the first chemFET has been invented. For people new to the field of electronics, chemFET = Chemical Field Effect Transistor. The links provided might just be a good start into knowing the potential we might harness soon. For example, a Nanotube has currently been tested for a strength of 63 GPa's ven High Carbon steel has 1.2 GPa.

And considering that UK just sucessfully cloned a human embryo, we might well be getting into the "Star Trek Generation" !!
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:01 PM | link | 0 comments |

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Blue Sky, Green Mountains, and Foggy Horizons

Canon Mountains - New Hamshire
:: posted by RagsInRags, 12:32 AM | link | 1 comments |

Monday, July 17, 2006

"She" is Not "Her"

When reality slapped me on my face bout 2 months ago I strongly believed that She would change with her face morphing like one of those Si-Fi movies, changing her features to suit Her. But nothing like that happened.

She was born out of the Arabian sea on the shores of Kashid (Alibaug). While the rest of the group were celebrating the New Years eve around a bon fire making barbequed chicken, I sat along the shore to catch a glimpse of the beauty nature had to offer. Clear skies, twinkling stars, soft warm breeze and the noise of waves lashing across the shore. And if there was such a thing as "Being lonely", that was a night I surely did NOT feel alone.

With my senses alert up to the level of feeling the slightest winds and hearing the sound of fluttering bug-wings at a distance, I sat there gazing at the ocean as a silver streak lined the waters glistning an imaginary path to the moon. And I wondered if there was anyone else in this world who would marvel at such a sight and be as poetically inspired as I was that night.

And thats when she walked right out of the water... a slender silhoutte dripping salt water on her tracks, gracefully catwalking thru the sand. Not beautiful and yet amazingly beautiful. And with distances closing between us, I saw her humorous sensitive eyes, her warm compassionate smile, her curly wet hair, and her smooth dimpled cheek. I knew Id take on to her that very instant.

She has been with me ever since... frantically debating, humourously argueing and compassionately supporting me in everything I believe. But these last few weeks have been particularly painful with mixed emotions and fear of finally having to lose her to someone ultimately... "Real". But today is yet another day when I confidently smile to myself as she yet again sits supportively besides me...

I just know that she is going nowhere... she is indeed here to stay.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:01 PM | link | 2 comments |

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Selfless Love

In love I know
lies the answer to love
To cherish and to hold in heart
A dream so real
a fantasy
A whole memory made up in parts

Funny how a face
from a photograph
finds its way onto your mind
with subtle animation
in every breath
from togetherness left behind

A smell so sweet
a smile so bashful
A lingering taste of skin
I can close my eyes
and feel the rush
unexplained feelings from within

And Love I know
is a lovely thing
A delicate mystery to solve
but in love I know
lies the answer to love
Selfless love, my love.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:11 PM | link | 2 comments |

Monday, July 03, 2006

Blame it on your eyes

Blame it on your eyes
:: posted by RagsInRags, 12:39 AM | link | 4 comments |

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