Thursday, July 06, 2006

Selfless Love

In love I know
lies the answer to love
To cherish and to hold in heart
A dream so real
a fantasy
A whole memory made up in parts

Funny how a face
from a photograph
finds its way onto your mind
with subtle animation
in every breath
from togetherness left behind

A smell so sweet
a smile so bashful
A lingering taste of skin
I can close my eyes
and feel the rush
unexplained feelings from within

And Love I know
is a lovely thing
A delicate mystery to solve
but in love I know
lies the answer to love
Selfless love, my love.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 1:11 PM


Very happy for you :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 15 July, 2006 11:55  
You deviated from your usual 4-line style. Nice :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 17 July, 2006 14:49  

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