Sunday, May 28, 2006

Blame Man or Society

Recently I was forwarded a link to an article that talked about the "Female Molestation" in India. I read thru the comments and the links on those comments and finally came to the humble realization ... People just dont get it !

Guys come out to show sympathy and acknowledge their understanding and girls share their own experiences about molestation when confronted with a victim. And yet none have really asked ... "WHY"?

Being a "Male" myself, I am assured a lot of impugnable stares questioning my understanding of the subject. And while I dont advocate such behaviour, I certainly dont blame "MAN" for his actions. And here is the "WHY"

I am not responsible for ill-treating a woman if my society teaches me to do that. I see husbands beat up wives, I see the so-called elders (including women) assert the fact that "women" are indeed meant to "serve" and sexual fulfillment is one aspect of their service... And I see that the society humilates the girl more than the boy in an event that such an action becomes public.

I am not responsible for being curious when I am given half-knowledge in a sexually starved society like India. I dont get answers to questions and yet I have this natural urge to get them answered. I watch movies that introduce a sexual aspect into any relation just to meet their box office figures... And I dont see ANY parenting that is aimed to teach their children to respect "Women".

And I am certainly not responsible for my actions if out of 10 times, I get a favourable response atleast 8 times ! For 8 freakin times the girl will just coyly shy away with not a word said. 2 against 8 is a pretty good odd for me to chance fullfilling my sexual appetite dont u think? Good material to yank myself for 8 out of 10 days !

My sympathies with those who were molested and used a forum to just "narrate" the incident. But my gratified and indepted appreciation for those who chose to act against, even if at times it meant making a mountain of a mole hill.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 6:09 PM


For the first time ,I realize that u have a very different understanding of the situation here.Looks like u have not got it :(
Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 May, 2006 20:44  
If u r again onr of those who wud like "sympathy"... then I guess u r climbing up the wrong tree.

I think I HAVE got it... and just blaming "Men" or "people" is not the solution.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 31 May, 2006 22:42  
The link below is a good read

I agree with you, there is no point just complaining and gaining sympathy. But the post felt devoid of sympathy from your end... Something unlike you.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 31 May, 2006 23:09  
Well said Rags. But there are so many angles to this! I am not sure people by narrating their experiences want to gain sympathy. Putting on a victim's shoes, i would not like to gain sympathy by narrating how I was molested! It must a horrifying experience which one will look at as death of their pride. May be its just what they can do after the water has gone down the bridge. They have committed a mistake of not raising the voice (or hands or legs) when it mattered to stop it. But the least they can do now is to spread awareness. One has to admit that teh weaker sex has been dominated for thousands of years in India. The effect of so long suppression will take time to fade. Of course hatts off to people who have acted against it, Prayers for those who have suffered!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 01 June, 2006 01:57  
I read thru the BlankNoise link that u mentioned. And I agree to the comments there. It essentially voices my thoughts in more detail... "DONT JUST BLAME THE SYSTEM, DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE IT"

Yes, there are just too many angles to this. And I am not against some1 narrating incidents. Wot I am against is the fact that the frustration of not being able to do something and that anger is directed toward a generalization of the condition. This, I believe is wrong. Picking up from a comment on the Blank Noise, one cannot comment on the Right/Wrong of a thief's action until u hear his side of the story. He might have been a victim once which has brought him to this state !

The point is, unless some1 has really taken steps to understand why a certain person is indulging in such activities, one cannot give up and brand him as "un-social" forever.
Blogger RagsInRags, at 01 June, 2006 14:10  
No its not abt demanding sympathy in a situation like this and I am sure the person who wrote that post wasn't doing tht either.Its just something thts been there in ur mind since ur days of growing up and gradually getting used to the idea of wat ur ACTUAL POSITION in this so called society is.No one is blaming the system and who says that the person who is suffering has never felt like dragging the sick minded soul by his hair on the road or just chpping off the toungue of the foul language user.But then gain the "SOCIETY" is such that u do something like that and the next day something worse will happen to you.And PLease about changing it.A country of 1 billion plus ppl dominated by males :)
Phew !!!!I guess we shud just learn to live with this irreplacable part of our so called lives.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 01 June, 2006 18:03  
And so your fate is damned. And so is the fate of all your generations to come. Amen :)

I understand that changing the "system" is not a one-day affair. But if thats how you feel now (to be benevolent and choose to ignore), then u shud choose to suffer in silence.

Again, dragging a person by his hair and chipping of his tongue are just gesters of u showing how u hate "him", not trying to find a solution to the problem. And Hatred reaps more Hatred. So it is but logical that something worse will happen to you the next day !

If only people can dis-associate themselves from being the victim to having an independant opinion, it will be clear that all "so called" solutions are just ways of you getting back at that person, not really trying to get a change in him :)

One very good point that comes out in BlankNoise... Act; dont react to the situation ;)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 01 June, 2006 18:17  

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