Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Kodak Moment

:: posted by RagsInRags, 2:52 PM


Excellent photograph
Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 June, 2006 14:53  
suweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :)))
Anonymous Anonymous, at 29 June, 2006 18:40  

Its a love that'll stay..
Its a bond that's forever..
Congratulations & warm wishes to both of you for your lifetime together !!
Blogger Murali Nair, at 29 June, 2006 19:01  
Thanks everyone :)
Blogger RagsInRags, at 02 July, 2006 19:06  
AWWWMIEEE GAAAWWWD ... how cud I miss it !!

Wishing you both a very Happy and Successful Life.

Blogger navneet, at 25 July, 2006 02:01  
Congratulation Raghvan
Blogger Mahesh Parab, at 25 September, 2006 14:23  
Congratulations! Hope you guys have a wonderful time together..
Anonymous Anonymous, at 05 July, 2007 14:30  

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