Sunday, September 30, 2007

Solitude - Remake

One days worth of effort (after implementing it on my Korg) to get the sequence to sound decent on Cakewalk. Its really a hard struggle to get the instruments to sound balanced in the mix.

Anyway... Got a decent sounding mp3 out of today's work. Ive uploaded it here

Trivia: This song starts with the clock striking 12 (to symbolize the day I made it at 0000 Hrs on my 26th BDay)

If there is a problem in the link, leave me a comment (with you mail id) and I will send it off to you as soon as I can.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 4:47 PM


Patience and time makes a music like this.. :-)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 01 October, 2007 10:16  

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