Friday, October 20, 2006

Taken Care Off

My experience with settling down in UK on this new assignment has confirmed the fact yet again. Its not a Company that takes care of its employees, its the Employees in that Company who do that !
As a manager it is MY resonsibility to ensure that my subordinates are made comfortable to work in a new environment. It is MY responsibility to provide them with the minimum requirements of food & shelter until they are capable of finding their own way around. And if I believe that it is the company's responsibility to do that, then I just dont completely understand my job requirements !
This is one of those work-cultures where a debate of whether it should be pushed Bottom-Up OR Top-Down does not exist. It definitely has to be driven from the top.
:: posted by RagsInRags, 3:04 PM


interesting comment ..But that is a fact .. from another manager ..
Anonymous Anonymous, at 03 November, 2006 03:47  
Quite True...
Anonymous Anonymous, at 25 November, 2006 06:22  

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