Thursday, September 13, 2007

Whats in a name?

What's in a name? That which we call a Rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

I guess my english professor (Mr. Subramanian) did an awefully good job in inspiring the awe for Shakespheres philosophy and true essense of character into my soft mouldable character. But Life must have just played its little prank and placed me at the wrong dinner table last week!

I sat there at the corner seat with my company CFO sitting right opposite. Surrounded by a bunch of "Highly Decorated" staff, I assumed that I was upto the task to deal with most "Execution" questions. I must tell you that I had been forewarned of the consequences of being detected under the Radar of our CFO. But I believed I had what it takes. And while I was ready for the people, it was the conversation that lost me.

Sentences started with refernces to people, their visions, their expectations, their goals. And everytime I heard a name, I made a mental note... "Should find out who xyz is". 15 mins into the conversation and my head was finding it hard to keep track of all the names mentioned and focus on the conversation at the same time. Its funny how I have faced such situations in the past and I have said..."Whats in a name?". But at this table, it looked like "Names" did the talking !!

Well, I guess I have to get back to my drawing board to rewire my foundations... The new program lines will read "Name is everything. Keep business contacts at your wallet tip. NEVER SWAP names database into secondary storage. And if a conversation starts to fail, string a list of high profile names in one sentence to get the conversation going again" :)

There is an element of amusement in this post. But I would sure like to know what Shakespere has to say about this :)
:: posted by RagsInRags, 6:29 AM


Anonymous Anonymous, at 16 September, 2007 21:35  
Nice post sirji :)
So you have gotten quasi-regular on the blog now. Good!! I stopped visiting ur blog after a few unsuccessful attempts at finding a new post :) . But its good you are back .
Anonymous Anonymous, at 02 November, 2007 07:07  

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